Original Shrine Category

ORIGINAL SHRINE, Raúl González Paredes, Paraguay • During the month of October, I was in several cities of Germany on business. The truth is that upon noticing the emotion on Carmen’s face (my group leader), because of my trip to Germany and the possibility of going to the Original Shrine, only then, did it cross my mind that it might be possible. Common sense told me the contrary for two reasons: a limited budget and a tight schedule. Since I was unable to erase Carmen’s face from my mind, IRead More
ORIGINAL SHRINE, Maria Fischer • It was a cold, wet and grey day in January and it was his 120th birthday. Most of the people in Vallendar and its surrounding area were more concerned about the threatening flooding of the Rhine and Mosel rivers, and of the trees uprooted by the storm a few days earlier. Joseph Engling, Schoenstatt’s youthful co-founder from Polish Warmia, formerly part of Prussia, was born on 5 January 1898 and died on 4 October 1918 – a hundred years ago this year. So this wouldRead More
Maria Fischer • The small home printer could not keep up with all the many emails that came in the last week of Advent– let us remember that schoenstatt.org has no headquarters or office. So on 18, 19, 20 of December, a partial delivery of all these letters sent to the MTA in the Original Shrine was made filling the jar to the brim They came especially from Latin America – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, México, and Panamá – but also from the United States, Spain,Read More
Original Shrine, Maria Fischer and Roberto Gonzales • Twenty years ago, on 6 December, a 14-year-old youth from Resistencia, Chaco province, Argentina, suffered a serious motorcycle accident. He hovered between life and death with a brain hemorrhage. Some of his school teachers his called his mother to tell her they were praying to Mary of Schoenstatt for his complete recovery, and they showed her a Pilgrim Mother. “I am finally here, twenty years and a day later, to thank Our Lady of Schoenstatt,” Marisel Juric said on the afternoon ofRead More
ORIGINAL SHRINE, Andrés Romero • My name is Andrés Romero, I am 19 years old, I am from Paraguay, and I have belonged to the wonderful Schoenstatt Movement for as long I can remember. My parents joined the Movement the same year I was born; therefore it could be said I was practically born and raised in Schoenstatt. I say this so that you will understand the magnitude of what sealing the Covenant of Love and the preparation that led me to make the decision for this “yes” means toRead More
ORIGINAL SHRINE, Maria Fischer • “Now I am an ally!! I already had written my article; it is in the computer and as soon as I have Internet I will send it. Thank you for the hospitality and the welcoming charism. If you need one more Paraguayan to write for schoenstatt.org, I am gladly willing.” This was a message received on Whatsapp early on October 19, as a golden October 18 highlight and not just because of the sun and the 25°C (77° F) summer temperature in the midst ofRead More
ORIGINAL SHRINE, Roberto González • In Schoenstatt, we are accustomed to carrying things out differently, that is, we pursue “living organically” like our Father and Founder, Fr. Joseph Kentenich, wanted so much, and on this occasion, uniting young people gathering with the religious was no exception. This ideal was realized the weekend of 1- 3 September 2017, through the “Night of the Shrine”, where more than 500 youths from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Latin America, and other countries met to experience a different time and recharge their batteries before returning toRead More
Maria Fischer • A group of priests and religious who are presently studying German in Kreuzberg – Bonn – visited Schoenstatt this past August 18 to get to know a place and a Movement within the universal Church. “Dear future bishops, nuncios, general superiors…” and in the midst of the confusion of those present: “dear brothers and sisters” and then the ice was broken and even more so when the priests and religious from Asia, Africa and Latin America were doted upon in the cafeteria with cappuccino and cookies.  OnRead More
ORIGINAL SHRINE, Douglas and Vivian Moser (Spain) • The Original Shrine was decorated with red, white, and blue during the days 14-21 July! During those days, the Sisters of Mary, Resia Käppeler and Angelina Duvoisin, by Fr. Deogratias Marakuhiro, of the Schoenstatt Institute of Priests, and some families from Spain, who belong to the Family Work, and who had friendly ties with the couples from this country, welcomed a lively French pilgrimage from Cambrai, Paris, and Toulon. It was an intense time, in which approximately sixty pilgrims, including three priestsRead More
Maria Fischer • Is an article in schoenstatt.org something so very quiet and simple worthwhile? Those who sent their petitions, their desires, their gifts, their desperation and confidence to Mary the Mother of the Lord and our Mother, and who will probably never physically visit, are alone in the Shrine, in her small shrine in the Schoenstatt Valley. They fill more than fifty sheets of paper. Long letters and sometimes very brief ones from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Germany India, Italy, Indonesia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru,Read More