Guidelines for comments

Guidelines for comments on offers all users the opportunity to share opinions and post comments on the content published on; we encourage you to do this frequently because we want to create a space for dialogue and free exchange here. is not responsible for the comments made through the comment function on the website. Users must refrain from making any discriminatory, insulting, threatening to personal dignity or privacy, or any other expression contrary to the law. reserves the right to not authorize or even delete comments if they are considered inappropriate.

This applies particularly, but not exclusively, to comments that

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Commentators take on the obligation

  • to make comments on the respective publication in the form of relevant and reasoned (approving or critical) contributions
  • to respect the content of this policy, to use the website appropriately and to provide appropriate and respectful comments to third parties and the website in accordance with the above conditions.

The comments serve as a dialogue between users about the real stories or topics published on The authors of the articles can, but do not have to, respond.

To directly reach the authors or those responsible for the projects and initiatives mentioned in the articles, please use the contact information offered in the articles (website, mail…). (gladly) reports on initiatives in the Schoenstatt Family, but does not act as a “secretary” for the same.

For general questions or concerns, please use the editorial contact form or email