Publishing articles

This internet website lives from the contributions of countless people from all over the world. The main criteria for publication are whether an event or an experience is suitable for publication, and whether the life reflected in an article can awaken or enkindle life in the readers.

Please send news, articles and testimonies for possible publication on this website as a Word document (or a compatible format), with photos in .jpg format, ONLY to the following address:

This address is accessed round the clock by members of the editorial team. The possible languages: German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French.


Guidelines for Articles

The Text


The name of author or authors

Each article (except for those by the editorial team) that is published, has to have the full name of the author(s), and reflect the opinion of the author.


After you have submitted an article, please be prepared for the next few days to receive emails requesting clarifications.


International readership

Please note that this website serves an international public and readers outside the Schoenstatt Movement, so an article has to contain all the information necessary for readers outside your immediate country, diocese, or community, or the Schoenstatt Movement, to understand the contents. On the other hand, some details could be of regional or national interest, but would not interest an international public. In most instances it is important to adapt an article written for national or local media so that it can be read by an international public.


We are repeatedly asked, often after years, that photos or the names of people in articles be removed from the website, because the people concerned no longer want to appear on the internet. So we urgently ask all authors: Please ask for the agreement of the people mentioned by name in the articles, as well as for any photos submitted. This saves us work and hassle!


You make our work easier if you send in photos as a .jpg document (minimum size 360×270 px), and add a description. Please note that photos of individual people may only be published with their permission. Photos of children require the written agreement of the parents or legal guardians (both in order to be made, and prior to publication).

Please select photos that apply to the article; it costs a great deal of time to look through hundreds of photos, especially when they have no description. Please do not send us links to photo albums on SkyDrive or Facebook.

If you want to have a large number of photos published, please upload them to a public web album (such as Picasa or Flickr) and send us the link.

This will require a little more work on your part … and a great deal less work on ours! Practical covenant culture! Thanks!

Audios or Videos

Good quality audios can be integrated as an MP3 document in an article.

Please upload good quality videos onto Vimeo, Youtube or other portal, and send us the link.

Articles that meet the above-mentioned criteria will usually be published within three days after editorial scrutiny and/or slight editorial revision. Please let us know if you do not agree to any editorial (stylistic, not content) work being done. In this case it could mean that we will not publish the article.

We would like encourage all to share their experiences and send atticles; at the same time we want to point out that there may be time or journalistic reasons that make tit impossible to publish each text sent to us.

Exclusion criteria

We will NOT publish advertisements and self-portrayals, the dates for national and regional events – please use the national calendar for this purpose – copies of programmes, anonymous contributions, or reports on events that took place in the distant past (rule of thumb: one week), or about which an article has already appeared, unless the new contribution contains an essential new aspect.

Translation: Mary Cole, Manchester, England

Guidelines for articles