Write to us

You are very welcome to contact us.

If you have questions about our news articles, or if you are meeting Schoenstatt for the first time, or don’t know its wonderful and colourful variety, you can turn to us. It is possible that we won’t know the answer, but we can sometimes put you in touch with someone who can. This is a service we offer – and selfless service, including the time involved, is something Pope Francis brought home to us during our Jubilee Audience. It is simply part and parcel of what we do. We are there for you and your questions, big or small.

Jesus was the great master of wasting time.

We aren’t quite as good at it as he was. Yet, even if dozens of email arrive each day, we try to answer them as soon as possible. Since we publish so many articles, some think we are a big team. We are. Yet all our collaborators work voluntarily online from home next to their work, family and apostolate. That is why we don’t always manage to answer all questions immediately, and sometimes we don’t manage at all.

Hi, you! … or: We are not the information office

If we are to deal with the important matters, please understand that we are usually unable to deal with questions about accommodation, making or cancelling orders for periodicals or books, or providing a search service for photos or older articles. Please apply directly to the competent bodies – and have a look on this webpage for the information provided. Someone in Rio de Janeiro once asked us when the bookshop at the shrine was open. With a few emails and phone calls one of our collaborator in Brazil found the information required, only to discover that the person concerned live a few streets away from the shrine. Sometimes you will get a quicker answer to your question where you are.

Location of Schoenstatt Shrines

Just look at the map of Shrines HERE. 

You will find the most important data there, at a glance.

Special Advice for Nigeria

Anyone interested in the Institute of the Schoenstatt Fathers, just find all information on vocation discernment, conditions, contacts and how to apply at the official website of the Schoenstatt Fathers: www.schoenstatt-fathers.org

Data protection

Please also note that for reasons of data protection we may not pass on email addresses and private telephone numbers. If you are looking for a mail or telephone number, which appears on this webpage, the telephone book, at Facebook or where ever people share their personal data, you will save us a lot of time if you look for them yourself. It will save us a lot of that time we would prefer to spend doing the editorial and translating work for the interesting articles we publish. Thank you!

And now, yes, what can we do for you?

For hints, questions and comments to the Editors, and questions about Schoenstatt and how to make contact please use the following online form. Please give us you name, address, and above all correct email address so that we can answer you.


    Your name (required)

    Your mail (required)

    city, country

    Your message, question, idea

    If you want to send us news or stories, please send direct to info@schoenstatt.org, our via your local co-ordinator. Find more information on required form and content HERE

    This is not a prayer group!

    For prayer requests please turn to the different prayer and adoration groups, your local shrines or the “network that prays”, www.mayfeelings.com, or use the Direct line to the Original Shrine (straight to the heart of the MTA, NO prayer group).


    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Attribution includes the author and/or translator, as well as Schoenstatt.org as the source.

    Expressly excluded are photos from KNA and Felici/Rome, as well as articles re-published by schoenstatt.org, that require the permission of the competent agency, webpage and/or periodical that are subject to copyright (if this applies, please apply there.)

    If there is an infringement we will probably not take you to court, but we have a lovely social project called “100 houses …”


    Other questions


    For all questions around publishing articles CLICK HERE