San Jose Chicureo School

The San José Chicureo School was founded in 1998, when numerous families from the Chicureo Kindergarten asked the principal for a pedagogical emphasis – strongly marked by a warm family atmosphere – to open the way for the founding of a school.

With this in mind, the community of the Schoenstatt Fathers was invited to assume this project so that the future school would be built under the pedagogical thinking of Father Joseph Kentenich.  Several interested families made the commitment to participate with different contributions.  Thanks to the support of the families, and the care from Divine Providence, the San José School opened its doors in March of 2000.  It functioned initially in rooms adjacent to the Kindergarten.  In 2002, it was transferred to an ample space in the Piedra Roja de Chicureo neighborhood, where it continues until today.

The San José Chicureo Academic Project

“A Man for a New Community”

Father Kentenich proposes that the task is “to equip man anew for his many attachments, to make him capable, and disposed to a deep attachment to places, things and ideals.  We especially have to make him capable of having attachments with the community.”  This mandate is what directs and gives light to all the efforts of the team, which leads the academic leadership.

The institution is aware that the new generations are entering a world with profound changes in the different confines of employment for the human being. It is hoped that when students leave this school, they can enter the world with tools of excellence. It is the responsibility of the academic leadership to contribute to the intellectual preparation so this man can expand in the Society of Knowledge.

A happy man is a fulfilled man in the different confines of his activities. From the academic perspective, this calls to promote the development of the students’ potential, his autonomy and his joy of learning.

Formation Department

The main task of this department is guiding the process of formation for the students in the light of the school’s Educational Project, faithful to the pedagogy of Fr. Joseph Kentenich.  To do this, it is necessary to gather and coordinate the work from the different areas such as Pastoral, the department of religion and the area of psychology.

The proposal and the formation program gather the mentioned areas which together with the teacher’s plan, implement and evaluate the activities directed to the spiritual preparation of the students.


Av. San José # 14531 Piedra Roja – Colina
Telephone:  2406200 – 2452062  FAX:  2452091


Translation:  Carlos Cantú, Schoenstatt Family Federation, La Feria, Texas USA  11072012