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BRAZIL, Luciana Rosas •  Letter to the Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary. — Dear community of the Institute of Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary: Today, on International Women’s Day (08.03), it seems important to me to write this letter, not only in the context and meaning of today, but also after the announcement of the press office of the Diocese of Trier, according to which Bishop Ackermann, who is responsible for carrying out the process of beatification of Fr. Joseph Kentenich, has decided to create a commission of expertsRead More
By Paz Leiva, Madrid, Spain, 07.11.2020 • Mrs. von Teuffenbach: I have read your book. It was not an easy task and not because of the language. The documentation you provide made the screen blurry at times, a lump in my throat, or my stomach closed. I have had a hard time.— Nevertheless, I have to admit my admiration for you. You have accomplished in record time a work that Schoenstatt should have started in 1975. But we have been very busy, celebrating milestones, anniversaries, dates, and when not, weRead More
Ignacio Serrano del Pozo, Chile • It is still not even a month (refers to the publication of the original version of this article: 07/26/2020) since the controversial report appeared in which the historian and theologian Alexandra von Teuffenbach denounced having found documents in the Vatican files, which compromised the moral integrity of Father Joseph Kentenich.  However, to many of us this time has seemed like a full year, if not more, marked by emotional wear and intense discussion. We could even admit that we had never read so manyRead More
Fr. Diogo Barata on behalf of the Schoenstatt Fathers of Spain | Letter to the Schoenstatt Movement of Spain • The Schoenstatt Fathers from Spain want to share with you a first reflection on the news that have appeared in the last few hours. It is an investigation of recently declassified historical files that have brought to light accusations of alleged abuses by our founder. Father Joseph Kentenich – as we all know him – was removed from his work as a result of an apostolic visitation in the earlyRead More
CHILE, Francisco Javier Troncoso • Chile, recent news: CORFO (state owned company) is about to recover “the vase.” CORFO, the Chilean Economic Development Agency, where I used to work and where Mario Hiriart also worked in the 1940s, was the victim of a 85 million dollar scam in 2003. The theft was made possible because of a flaw in their management systems, which their control department had warned them about. Chilean President Ricardo Lagos tried to downplay the incident, saying: “they took a jar, we’ll recover the jar and caseRead More
By Verónica Gutiérrez • Responsibility for the truth I’ve been a journalist for two years but I’ve been attracted to this field for a long time. I don’t have a very long career, but if I add my studies, it’s been six years. If we add to this, the time that I’ve been paying attention to the media, then we’re talking about many more. Today I want to comment on what Pope Francis told the media that touches me personally. Pope Francis, in his message for the 52nd World CommunicationsRead More
Carlos Barrio and Lipperheide, Argentina, author of “La alegría en el trabajo” [Joy in work] • Comments on Pope Francis’ prayer for the 52nd World Communications Day (2018)  — Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Help us to recognize the evil latent in a communication that does not build communion. Help us to remove the venom from our judgements. Help us to speak about others as our brothers and sisters. You are faithful and trustworthy; may our words be seeds of goodness for the world: where there is shouting,Read More
POPE FRANCIS’ MESSAGE FOR WORLD COMMUNICATION DAY, by the editorial team • The feast of St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of journalists, celebrated on 24 January, was also the day Pope Francis published his message for the 52nd World Communications Day. In his message, Francis spoke about “fake news” and “journalism for peace.” From the editorial team of, as part of its commitment to professional communication that is in solidarity with and at the service of a covenant culture, we not only want to share this message,Read More
By Sarah-Leah Pimentel, Cape Town, South Africa There is a story that goes like this: A wicked king wanted to destroy his people’s faith in God. So he called his wisest advisors and asked them where they could hide the truth of God’s existence so that the people would never find him. The first adviser said: “Hide the truth of their God in the furthest star, where they can never find it.” “No,” said the second counsellor. “One day, they will learn to fly and find their God. It wouldRead More
Francis week by week (12) • The quotation this week is taken from Pope Francis’ homily during the Mass at Santa Marta on 20 May 2016. Let us read and listen this week to the message as if spoken to us, as a Schoenstatt that goes out, a Schoenstatt that feels called to apostolic work, that is, to helping people – concrete and real people – find the way to the Father. “We must walk with these two things that Jesus teaches us: truth and understanding. This cannot be resolved likeRead More