Posted On 2016-05-30 In Francis - Message

As if spoken to us: Francis on…truth and understanding

Francis week by week (12) •

The quotation this week is taken from Pope Francis’ homily during the Mass at Santa Marta on 20 May 2016.

Let us read and listen this week to the message as if spoken to us, as a Schoenstatt that goes out, a Schoenstatt that feels called to apostolic work, that is, to helping people – concrete and real people – find the way to the Father.

“We must walk with these two things that Jesus teaches us: truth and understanding. This cannot be resolved like a mathematical equation, but with flesh itself: that is to say, as a Christian I help that person, I help those marriages that are facing difficulty, that are wounded, on their path to approaching God. The fact remains that that is the truth, but this is another truth: we are all sinners, on the road. And there is always this work to do: how to help, how to accompany, but also how to teach those who want to get married what the truth is about marriage.”

Pope Francis, Mass at Santa Marta 20. 05. 2016 (Translation from Osservatore Romano)


Let us reflect on this message based on what we know about Fr. Kentenich:

  • What is Francis saying to me, saying to us as Schoenstatt members, as members of a family, as companions on the road with a man, a woman, a family, many families?
  • What is my response?
  • What answer to I give Francis, in covenant solidarity?

We invite you to share your thoughts because we believe that God speaks to us through Francis.

We invite you to enter into dialogue with Francis, a dialogue that creates encounter, a culture of encounter, which is a covenant culture.

We create this space to enter into dialogue, by leaving your responses in the comment section below and by responding to others who have commented.

Original: Spanish. Translation: Sarah-Leah Pimentel, Cape Town, South Africa


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