Posted On 2016-10-01 In Schoenstatt - Reaching out

March for the Family: Yes to life and family unity

MEXICO, Patricia de la Garza de Silveyra •

On Saturday, 10 September 2016, in approximately 110 Mexican cities, more than 1,250,000 people exercised their rights as citizens for public expression, to make our voice heard in support of the natural family, marriage between a man and woman and the right to educate our children according our principles and values.

In Monterrey, we marched peacefully, dressed in white with pink balloons for women and blue ones for the men, without disturbances or affecting others. We walked shoulder to shoulder with people of different religions, educational, socio-economic, and labor levels always thinking about keeping childhood pure, without incentives and ideas beyond their age, and free of imposed ideologies.

People of all ages responded to the call by gathering in schools, neighborhoods, parishes, and several city parks adjacent to Monterrey to go to the city’s center. Many who wanted to participate went.

The media reported that there were more than 10,000 people, the Esplanade of Heroes –where we gathered – has a capacity for 50,000, and it was full. Regardless of the real number, I am proud to know that I was there, experiencing this peaceful proclamation up close.  I felt I was at the Sunday Angelus with the Pope in the Vatican…

All the cheers, exhortations and songs were proactive, with the message that the family will remain as the basic nucleus of society.  Small families of three or four presented testimonies; a widow and her three children; a large family whose ten members are musicians motivated us playing mazurkas and marches…Everyone said their Yes to life and family unity.  It was an afternoon of real sharing, without previously knowing each other, yet still living in the same city.


Nothing was said against the different ways of thinking, about other kinds of unions between persons, or about political issues.

The large national demonstration was on 24 September, in Mexico City. Everyone walked to the rotunda of the Angel of Independence, a symbolic place for national celebrations and gatherings for those who march for an ideal, to proclaim the same issues.

We know that this defense is just beginning, but we have learned to unite to work for a call to protect the family. We pray that family unity reigns throughout the world, since we know that it is a situation that is a global challenge.  We remain steadfast, united as a Church reaching out, following the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth.


Original: Spanish. Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA. Edited: Melissa Peña-Janknegt, Elgin, TX USA

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