Posted On 2016-10-01 In Schoenstatt - Reaching out

March for the family: “… attentive to the signs of the times.”

MEXICO,  Ana Echavarría Barrios •

On Saturday, 10 September, throngs of Mexicans took to the streets of several Mexican cities to demonstrate in favor of the family.  Large marches in several cities from the thirty-one states anticipated the Large National March 24 September in Mexico City.  Some bishops participated in the convocation organized by people of different beliefs and convictions, among them evangelicals and Mormons. The organizers made it very clear that their demonstration “did not want to offend anyone,” because “we respect the dignity of every person independent of their way of life and desire to live in harmony, because we know, that above all, we are humans, and there is a fundamental bond that makes us brothers/sisters.”

That day, we gathered at 5:00 p.m. for the March for the Family in the Plaza de Tequis, in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

My first thought about this convocation was:  “Nothing without You, Nothing without Us.”  “I have to go and give of myself” since it does no good to say that it is very good that they protest and raise their voice, if I comfortably stay home, watching others who do have courage, giving their time for something that concerns all Mexican families.

Fr. Kentenich came to mind:  “We must be attentive to the signs of the times.”


This was the first time that I joined a citizens’ march, and upon reaching the meeting point, on one of the main avenues of our city, I was greatly surprised to see so many people arriving, complete families, youths and children.  Upon milling among them, I began to meet friends from our beloved Schoenstatt Family. I felt happy to participate, and I immediately understood that we were doing good to join our forces and hearts for this very important cause that is the family, the foundation or our society and the future of our country.  Peacefully, dressed in white, walking with so many people, I felt the strength of each step offered as a prayer…because we all share the firm idea of defending what identifies us as Mexicans:  we are a people proud of our values: a Catholic, Guadalupano people with a profound love for the traditional family.

While hundreds of citizens – common families – traveled the streets to reach the march’s last destination in front of the Government Palace in the city center, I meditated on the great gift and the responsibility that God gives us, the family, with the aim of collaborating with him in creation. Here we create attachments that give us security, joy and above all, primarily and fundamentally­– love.

What a blessing to be able to unite in noble causes and to raise our voices to defend our greatest treasure:  our families!

Let us participate attentively; God wants us here helping him. He needs each one of us; let us walk in his hand and the MTA’s hand to defend what he has given us with so much love.


Original: Spanish. Translation:  Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA. Edited: Melissa Peña-Janknegt, Elgin, TX USA

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