Covenant Life Category

Marianne Maier. A look back, over my own shoulders - Truly! I had my last celebration eight years ago. Whether I wanted it or not - and not because everyone thought I should have it! Nevertheless, what has to be has to be!        Read More
Agathe Hug. Namibia - where in the world is that? In southern Africa - but where exactly? Let's see, we (mentally) board a four-wheel drive vehicle in Maputo, where perhaps we were (mentally) during breakfast after the September 10th Mass in covenant with Mozambique, and we depart towards the west and a little to the north. Then after approximately 100 kilometers, we cross the border with South Africa. Around one hundred kilometers later, we go north around Pretoria, and after several hundreds of kilometers more, weRead More
PERU, Queca Espinoza. September 6th was the last day that we had our beloved Sister Petra among us. We can be so familiar with her because she has been among us: she has told us about her experiences, she has taught us, she has shared our meals, she has prayed, laughed, has taken care of us, she has enjoyed, seen places… Simply she has been a part of our life, and for these reasons, we are now sorry that she has to leave. Her flight was one hourRead More
fma. On the road toward Jubilee 2014, the worldwide Schoenstatt Movement has jointly begun the Year of the Father current; the next step will be the Year of the Shrine current. During the second year of the triennium in the preparation for the renewal of the Covenant of love, the worldwide Movement wants to secure its source of life that is the Shrine.  Read More
Elisabeth and Bernhard Neiser. On September 19th 2011 the Shrine of the Families celebrates his 40th Anniversary of his dedication.          Read More
Agathe Hug. "Where are the boots?" was the first question I was asked when I arrived at the Original Shrine. Ugh! What a problem! They are very damp because they were not put away properly in the basement, so in spite of my plans to the contrary, this is the reason I am wearing regular black shoes. But it is good to be at the Holy Mass in covenant with and for Montenegro. The sky above the Original Shrine is a brilliant blue, just likeRead More
mcb. Here are the anniversaries and Schoenstatt activities throughout the world for this week and next:  to recall, to accompany with prayer, contributions to the capital of grace, and to await news about the outcome.      Read More
UNITED STATES, Marian Sousa. On Saturday, September 3rd, a truly heavenly afternoon was experienced at the Shrine of Miami. There had not been an opportunity to gather the Girls' and Boys' Youth from the area in a joint celebration since December 12th of last year (inauguration day). However with the Blessed Mother's help and following the law of the "open door," the desire to organize the first Mass for the youth emerged. Thanks to the help of the different Branches and the commitment of the youth, a magnificentRead More
USA, Celina Garza/Melissa Janknegt. Large areas of Texas, USA, especially in the Austin and San Antonio area, are suffering from a month-long drought and wildfires. One of the fires is 24 mi. (38.6km) long and at it's widest point it is 20 mi. (32km) wide. Over 700 houses have been lost. Again and again, prayer requests were sent to the Original Shrine – prayers for rain, the firefighters, and the poor people who have lost everything. The Schoenstatt Family of San Antonio and Austin now began a special novena…  Read More
mcb. Week after week, dozens of readers post their comments about the articles published on Here we present some of the most interesting and inspiring notes in the five editions in different languages.      Read More