Posted On 2010-11-01 In Jubilee 2014

On the Way to 2014

P. José María GarcíaECUADOR, Mariuxi Villacrés de Andrade. Fr. José María García, along with an international team, is responsible for the preparation for celebrating Schoenstatt’s 100th anniversary in October 2014. A few weeks ago, he visited Ecuador for the first time and left his message for uniting and preparing for this great celebration. The starting point was indicated on October 18th, declaring the triennium of preparation as an International Family for the 2014 Jubilee. In the context of this visit, the following interview took place.



What is the intention of proclaiming this triennium as a starting point for celebrating the 100 years of Schoenstatt?

The focus of the Jubilee is not the organizational part. These are means at the service of what is fundamental for the celebration which is the life of the Family. What we are going to celebrate are the 100 years of the Covenant of Love, its life and its projections. It is important how the life in common of the international family – with the currents which define it – can enter into interrelationship. During this time of preparation toward 2014, we are going to stress each year a life current which was indicated as something in common in the International Schoenstatt Family during the planning meeting of 2009; a current which gives life, is dynamic, makes it fruitful and projects it. This preparation is really a re-founding of Schoenstatt in the sense that Father used.

Which are these currents and how do we prepare ourselves for this renewal of the Covenant in its 100 years?

In the first year, we begin with the current of Father Kentenich because the founding act came forth from him, from his faith and from his manner of living it…..analyzing the symbols of the times. His faith awakened confidence in the faith and in Schoenstatt, first in the sodalists and then in the Family. In the first place, it is not only about knowing more about him, but to exchange on the life which exists around Father and his charisma in the International Schoenstatt Family.

In the second year, we want to stress as a current the home of this family which is the Shrine. This has a very important vital and organizational connotation because the Shrine is supported by the Covenant of Love of each Schoenstatter. We desire that the centennial be celebrated and organized by each Schoenstatter, living his/her Covenant of Love…..from the Heart-Shrine of each Schoenstatter through the web of personal and local Shrines to the Original Shrine. This is the way in which all can and should participate. If Schoenstatters are excluded or remain on the outside, we all lose.

The third year is highlighted by the current of sending forth, from this family which comes forth… is Marian and missionary. Being family, it acts as such…..not only toward the inside, but also toward the outside…..serving the Church and society which is for what it was created.

We all have something to give…..therefore, exchange between families from various countries is so important…..we cannot stay within our local circle?

One of the things which we received in the 2009 planning meeting was the awareness that we are an international family, which is not the same as being internationally extended. From the identity of each country, we form only one family where differences are not stressed, but experience the phrase “what can I give?” We live in the Covenant. Nothing without you, nothing without me. That is the most existential dimension of the Covenant which we want to stress and guarantee this awareness of Father’s International Family.

What would be concrete fruitfulness of this mission?

One is the real unity which is generated from exchange and dialog. You cannot love what you do not know. To meet each other in a Covenant, we have to know each other. To work in a web with all the possibilities offered to us by this web of being international family and with the support of technology. Therefore, we want to implement a center of communication for this project.

In many circles, working as a web is applicable… webs, the benefits of the internet….. what do you think about this?

With this topic of the web, I hear certain skeptical commentaries. We cannot isolate ourselves from technology because of the dangers which go along with it, as is in all life processes, but we have to learn to manage them. Additionally, these webs can respond and contribute to our Father’s way of thinking – organic thinking. The ‘social webs’ are an excellent means for summarizing and articulating the ‘great web of life and graces’ which our international Schoenstatt Family is.

In the documents referring to 2014, much is said about the Culture of the Covenant….how do we define the Culture of the Covenant?

The Schoenstatter lives and acts in Covenant with God, with the Blessed Mother and with others, also with his/her surroundings and with nature. The dynamism of the Covenant is summarized in the phrase ‘Noting without you, nothing without us.” That is, in a personal dialog which generates attachment… which persons can become themselves, they fulfill their mission and help others to achieve as well. As Schoenstatters, we live and act in Covenant, our way of thinking is always with another. It is not individualistic. It is with the other and in favor of the other. That is what a culture of the covenant generates which, hopefully, can transcend the limits of Schoenstatt.

If we all could see it so clearly, we could change the world with this…

That is what it is about! With poverty, the Franciscans changed the Church of the Middle Ages. The Jesuits changed the Church and thus the society of their era. We have our faith lived in Covenant which is capable of changing relationships, politics, employment.

What message can you give to the Family of Ecuador?

Be aware of the treasures you have. I am impressed by the cultural richness and the life which is so heterogeneous, like the differences between the ‘serranos’ and the ‘monos,’ as you told me was how you designated between those from Quito and those from Guayaquil. In this diversity lies the richness and the challenge, because as Ecuadoreans you have to live in Covenant. Share the treasures you have. Believe that beyond the difficulties there are roots which are very strong and which make you tremendously creative and that is something good not only for Ecuador but for Schoenstatt International.

Fr. José María García is a Spaniard. He met Schoenstatt when he was studying medicine and decided for the priesthood. He completed his seminary studies in Germany. He worked for several years with the youth in Chile. He assisted with the formation of Latin American novices for his community in Tuparendá. Today he is a member of the general council of the Schoenstatt Fathers, a member of the Schoenstatt International Presidium, and along with TEAM 2014 is responsible for the Jubilee.

Interview by Mariuxi Villacrés de Andrade, Juan Carlos Andrade and Luigi Pólit; published in the magazine FATHER’S FAMILY of Ecuador, October 2010.

Source: Magazine FATHER’S FAMILY of Ecuador

Translation: Carlos Cantú, Schoenstatt Family Federation, La Feria, Texas USA 102910

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