Covenant Life Category

CHILE, Carmen Rogers/mkf. A brief news item, published at 11:15 A.M., can be read on the government page of Chile: "The President of the Republic receives two new chaplains of La Moneda: Alfred Cooper, Evangelical, and Luis Ramírez, Catholic." The one who entered this morning into the Palace of La Moneda - headquarters for the President of the Republic of Chile - is Father Luis Ramírez, Provincial Superior of the Schoenstatt Fathers in Chile. He is 73, and is at the present time part of theRead More
USA, Sr. M. Frances. On April 24, 2010 five young women dedicated themselves out of love to the Triune God as they joined the Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in two separate ceremonies - in Wisconsin four novices received the dress of Mary, while a fifth novice was received in her home country of the Dominican Republic. The course is in itself quite international: Along with the novice from the Dominican Republic, one is originally from Argentina, still another is from Colombia, and the other two areRead More
Fr. Alberto Eronti. 100 years ago, Joseph Kentenich heard the words spoken to him: "You are a priest forever, according to the rite….." Divine Providence has permitted that while our Schoenstatt Family joyfully celebrates the 100th anniversary of the ordination of its Founder, the Church is shaken by a series of scandals produced by priests and bishops. These are scandals which hurt the Church and us, and they confuse the "men of good will."Read More
Vivien Stolz/mkf. During the Easter weeks, Schoenstatt Mothers from South Africa spent fifteen grace-filled days in Schoenstatt. From there they also set out on pilgrimages to the sites of the Concentration Camp Dachau, where Father Kentenich, during WWII, spent over three years as prisoner, and to Cambrai in France, where Joseph Engling, a young man of the founding generation, died near the end of World War I. Spending such a long time in Schoenstatt made the mothers really "live" at the place of grace instead of just visiting permitting themRead More
mkf. "Barbados? Is Schoenstatt in Barbados?" There is no Barbados flag in Schoenstatt, the names of Schoenstatters in Barbados are unknown, there was no one from that Caribbean island nation in the Original Shrine on the morning of Saturday, April 24th when the {cms_selflink page="centenary-masses" text="Holy Mass towards 2014"}, in Covenant with Barbados was celebrated. Whenever one thinks about Barbados, they think about the ocean, sun, and beaches...and about the {cms_selflink page="the-pilgrim-mother-campaign" text="Pilgrim MTA"}, who entered this island to quietly build the Church of the New Shores.    Read More
ITALY, Marta Raineri. On April 18th, the 5th Regional Congress of the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign was held near Hotel Saracen, in Capaci. The Congress began at 9:30 a.m. with greetings and congratulations to the nearly one thousand people who came from the Dioceses of Messina, Mazara del Vallo, Palermo, and Monreale. The meeting was held in a hall and in amphitheater with a semi-circular stage with the Mother Thrice Admirable of Schoenstatt in the background.  Read More
BRAZIL, Sr. M Nilza. Covenant Day, April 18th, is just beginning. The first pilgrims who are on foot arrive at 6 A.M. After the 7 A.M. Mass, they visit the Mother and Queen in her Shrine, and they are able to spend a good while with Her. As they leave, it is necessary to open the gate for the busses which begin to arrive bringing their brothers and sisters coming home to visit the same Mother. Immediately a line forms in order to come closer toRead More
mkf. April 17th, 7:10 a.m.: The Australian flag entered the Original Shrine, where the now familiar poster announces that this Saturday the Holy Mass "towards 2014" would be celebrated in Covenant with Australia. There are no members of the Australian Schoenstatt Family in the Shrine, but the participants of the Mass remember them in their prayers and with the symbols decorating the Original Shrine: a large flag and a poster. Since December 2009, every Saturday at 7:15 a.m. a Holy Mass is celebrated in the Original ShrineRead More
PORTUGAL, One Family, A Father, a Mission and one thousand five hundred pilgrims gathered in Fatima to celebrate the Jubilee of the 50 years of Schoenstatt's presence in Portugal. To celebrate this date is to express gratitude for the five decades of graces and blessings, but it is also taking the first step for a new beginning, with the enthusiasm of the pioneers, with renewed faith, with ardent love, with unbreakable hope. Father, your mission is ours.Read More
URUGUAY, Dr. León Muñoz Martínez. The Annual Retreat for the Couples' Branch was held during the weekend of April 10th-11th. This retreat was possible thanks, as always, to the collaboration of the Sisters of Mary and the collaborators at the facilities of the Mater Ter Admirabilis School close to the beloved Shrine in Nueva Helvecia, Colonia.    Read More