Padre nuestro de la pandemia

Posted On 2021-05-16 In Something to think about

Our Father, who art in the hearts of your children

Msgr. Francisco Pistilli, Bishop of Encarnación •

Meditate on this prayer and pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary for the sick and their families and for the health personnel and their families. —

Our Father, who art in the hearts of thy children, blessed be thy name and blessed be thy infinite tenderness.

Come with your Kingdom of peace and life, and embrace your little ones and the needy, in your mercy.

Make us humble to love your will and live according to your desires, in our daily pilgrimage on this earth towards the infinite Heaven.

Give to your families the daily bread and the eternal bread that brings health and strength, vigor in adversity and sweetness in daily life.

Forgive our weak nature, which breaks down in the face of pain and every pettiness that separates us from the true love of the friends of your Son, and receive with kindness every word of sincere forgiveness that flows from our lips to reconcile and heal our life as brothers.

Do not let fatigue, loneliness or discouragement weaken our faith and hope, confuse our sense of sincere charity, or let the world seduce us with false promises.

Deliver us from evil, sickness, sin and eternal death, embracing the Cross of Christ and bearing our own and others’ crosses, united as one by the Holy Spirit, who fills us with light and endless bliss, in joys and sorrows. Amen.

Original: Spanish 2021-05-15. Translated by Maria Aragón, Monterrey, México

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