Posted On 2012-05-01 In Schoenstatt - Reaching out

Being in the south, it is impossible to not participate in some summer mission

CHILE, Hna. M. Ivonne Latsague. “Montahue solidarity:  fraternal and covenant solidarity.”  Although some months have passed and although the forest wildfires in southern Chile are forgotten by the media, it is still worthwhile to transmit an experience that can be summarized in a few words:  Being in the south, it is impossible to not participate in some summer mission…




During the month of January in the middle of summer, I accompanied a group of ladies who belong to the Montahue Women’s Branch and other members of the Family who went to distribute help with solidarity to six families affected by the forest wildfires in the area of Coyanco, close to La Florida, Concepción.  The environmental panorama was devastated.  The smell of smoke is still present in many areas.  The houses were like the remains of a bonfire.  I was paralyzed to the point that I did not want to take photos as documentation.

When this article was written, few people had returned to the place, because the fires would reignite, unexpectedly since the roots were burned from down underground, and they advanced beneath the earth until suddenly, there would be a red thread of flame on the surface that would be fanned by the wind and a new inferno would explode.

In the midst of this entire catastrophe, the Blessed Mother manifested herself grandly

In general, the people who we visited were very appreciative.  All of them still need many things.  There is no water in any of those areas.  The regional government distributed large cans of water for immediate consumption and basic needs.  The natural sources cannot be used, because they are contaminated by dead animals and many other infections. There is no electricity.  In reality, if one does not experience the situation “in situ” (in person) it is news for the moment and then it is forgotten…

In the midst of this entire catastrophe, the Blessed Mother manifested herself grandly.  One of the ladies of the Branch, who accompanied us that day, owned a large tract of land around there; more or less half of it had been divided several years ago.  She sold a hectare and a half, more or less, to five people from the Movement, because she wanted good and honorable neighbors.  On a corner that could not be used, she erected a wayside Shrine of the Blessed Mother with access to the people who pass through the main road that is rough.  She has even had Masses at this place with the help of the neighbors, who even leave coins for the Blessed Mother.  I am talking about neighbors, who are two kilometers apart, but they come or pass when “they go to town”.  The place is in the midst of everything that burned.  Entire forests.  When each of the owners arrived at the place, they thought they would find that to be the case and the same thing that had happened to so many of the families from the area and beyond.  There are hills and hills of burned forests on both sides of the road.

The Wayside Shrine in ashes…

What was the surprise?  If I had not seen it that day with my own eyes, I would have thought it was an exaggeration.  And the exaggerated protection was the Blessed Mother’s…The five houses are surrounded by a brown ring marking where the fire had reached.  Two steps from one step, two meters from another.   A pine branch had begun to burn over the roof of one of the houses, and it seemed to be quenched with a hose.  The rest of the pine was green.  Nothing was singed, not even the entrance gate.  It is impressive. On the other hand, the Wayside Shrine was burned; it was in ashes.  Many think that the Blessed Mother sacrificed herself for them.

The residents have been so impressed, so much so that even without the picture, they go and entrust themselves to the Virgin, so that later on She will help them find a permanent residence and everything they need beginning with identification documents. (I offered them a large picture for a new Wayside Shrine).  The stories of survival are incredible, since there was no way to escape. An elderly couple was disoriented, and by chance they went to a pond that was close to their house, but the pinecones were flying through the wind from one side to another, and they fell over their heads like darts on fire…

Lord, I place my little house in your hands

In this, the help from heaven was evident, since there were no deaths.  Another example of this had happened with the last elderly couple that we visited.  They lived alone.  When the fire approached, there was a last call for all the people to abandon their homes, because the roads would be closed, and they if they stayed they would die.  This couple left everything; they left with only the clothes they were wearing.  She told God:  “Lord, I place my little house in your hands.”  The man, for his part, silently prayed: “My Lord, this is the only thing I have.”  And they left.  Four days later, when they returned…just like the houses around the Wayside Shrine, there was a brown circle around the house, as proof of how far the fire had reached and the little house was intact.

And just as the Virgin was concerned about these families, She also took care of our group, who had worked without ceasing all day loading and unloading tables, chairs, mattresses, etc.  We arrived at a place that was not the list through a referral; it would be the last of the afternoon.  The Blessed Mother was waiting for us.  There was a wonderful waterfall behind the house.  Everyone got into the water below the cascade wearing their clothes.  It was a much needed recess.  While this was going on, the Blessed Mother continued to work for us. When we came back ready to return, the owner of the house was waiting for us with warm bread, mate, and freshly made fritters.  Wasn’t that a gift from Her?  I cooperated by giving each family a picture of the Blessed Mother. They were very happy.

She is the great Missionary, She will have to travel through the roads more rapidly.

There is still much to be done in this area.  Many have endured the hardships of the earthquake; they had fixed the house that the quake had destroyed, and now it was snatched by the fire.  Some people are depressed, progress is slow.  Buildings are erected everywhere, but the construction of houses for the ordinary citizens is delayed.  It is difficult.

During this Year of the Shrine current, She is the great Missionary, She will have to go out to travel through the roads even more rapidly than was mentioned in the Gospel to quench her children’s thirst for heaven.  All these families, who were visited, will be mentored during the year to appraise their progress and the needs of each one and to help them to channel the respective tasks.

Source: Vinculo, Magazine of the Schoenstatt Movement, Chile

Translation: Celina Garza, Melissa Janknegt, USA

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