Posted On 2014-05-24 In Francis - Initiatives and Gestures

Pope Francis: pray for my trip and for peace in the Land of Jesus

org. During the general audience preceding his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Jesus’ homeland, Pope Francis asked that he be accompanied with prayer, also for peace in that land that suffers so much. “Next Saturday, I begin the trip to the Holy Land, the land of Jesus. It will be a strictly religious trip.  First, to encounter my brother Bartolome I, in the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Paul VI’s encounter with Atenágoras I.  Peter and Andrew will meet again and this is very beautiful.  The second reason is to pray for peace in that land that suffers so much.  I ask that you pray for this trip.”

Pope Francis’ Agenda in the Holy Land

  • May 24th: Arrival in Jordan. Meet with the civil authorities; visit to the place of the Lord’s Baptism in Bethany and encounter with refugees and disabled youths’ in the Latin Church. Holy Mass in the stadium of Ammann.

  • May 25th: Transfer to Bethlehem. Meet with civil authorities, Mass in Manger’s Square, lunch with families, visit to the grotto of the Nativity and visit with refugee children. Then transfer to Israel. Private meeting with the Patriarch of Constantinople, ecumenical gathering in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher.

  • May 26th: Visit to the “Grand Mufti” of Jerusalem, visit to the Western Wall; gesture in Mount Herzl and visit to a study center about the holocaust. Courtesy meeting with rabbis and private audience with the Prime Minister of Israel. Then, an encounter with the Patriarch of Constantinople, priests, religious, religious and seminarians in Gethsemane; Mass with the ordinary of the Holy Land.

Official Hymn: “We go forward with you as witnesses of Christ. Spreading the light of the Word, over Francis’ steps.”

The song is a prayer to the Virgin Mary for the East that suffers, so that it will find its way and its harmony and the chorus of the hymn goes: “We go forward with you as witnesses of Christ. Spreading the light of the Word, over Francis’ steps.”omo testigos de Cristo. Difundiendo la luz de la Palabra, sobre los pasos de Francisco”.


R: We go forward with you as witnesses of Christ spreading the light of the Word, over Francis’ steps.

1. We go with you, Mary to the light of Christmas we keep the covenant gained with the water of Baptism, and the cross of our Redeemer; His strength protects us, we take with us, the good news for the slave.

2. With you, we seek the face of the Redeemer in each human being. We sow the love that flourishes in joy. We give witness of the faith. The Church of our Redeemer The Church of our Redeemer gives us life with its sacraments, That nourishes us and we advance immersed in the faith.

3. With you, covered with the mantle of compassion among all creatures, We transform ourselves into apostles of peace among the nations of the earth. The Gospel of our Redeemer is the light that guides us, We live from this word and we advance aspiring harmony.

4. With you we sing the resurrection and we proclaim life taking the testimony of Peter, once again to the encounter of the brother/sister. Jesus our Redeemer asks us for unity, We listen to him and we advance, wishing to please him.

In Covenant solidarity with Francis

The team of goes on spiritual pilgrimage with Francis to the Holy Land in covenant solidarity. We invite everyone to unite in prayer and in contributions to the capital of graces…

Dear Mother of the Lord and our mother…during these days I offer you…guard him, use him, and protect him as your instrument and possession…...


En la víspera de su Viaje Apostólico a Tierra Santa, el Papa Bergoglio, fue de forma privada, a primera hora de la mañana, a la Basílica papal de Santa María la Mayor, para rezar y encomendarle a la Virgen su inminente peregrinación a la Tierra de Jesús, que comienza el 24 de mayo, memoria de María Auxiliadora, y termina el 26. Después de la oración, que duró unos 15 minutos, el Obispo de Roma le ofreció un ramo de rosas a la Salus populi romani.
(CdM – RV)

1 Responses

  1. Susan Brady says:

    Peace & Prayers go with you.

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