Posted On 2011-12-30 In Schoenstatters

Father Josef Banz died on Christmas Eve

SWITZERLAND, org. Father Josef Banz, a Schoenstatt Father, who had been the chaplain at the Sachseln Hermitage of Saint Nicholas of Flüe until two months ago, was called by God the Father to the eternal Christmas. He fruitfully worked for many years promoting veneration to Saint Nicholas Flüe, the patron saint of Switzerland, counselor and pacifist, who is needed by many people today precisely for those reasons.



Two months ago, he had bid farewell to that place. He moved to the Melch Valley parish, where another Schoenstatt Father resides. On December 24th, he celebrated Holy Mass at a chapel 2,000 m. high, in Melchsee-Frutt. After Mass, he fell on the road as he returned to the cableway. In spite of getting help quickly, he died very rapidly, and in the resplendence of the nascent Christmas, he arrived at the eternal Christmas.

Some time ago, Father Josef Banz wrote the “Ten rules for peace” according to Saint Nicholas. Perhaps it was a legacy, a way to contribute to the Capital of Grace in gratitude for his life.

Every day he prayed to God: “Help me to be a place of peace today. Since God knows better than I where and how I can give peace.”

We will publish the rules of peace as a living remembrance of Father Josef Banz.

Saint Nicholas of Flüe shows us the best way to obtain peace:


1        I destroy my hate: a little bit each day.
Go from hate toward love. Hate destroys. Love builds.

2        I conquer my thirst for revenge: a little bit every day.
Go from revenge toward benevolence.
Since, the thirst of revenge leads to a spiral of violence.

3    I dominate my inner exasperation:
– I count to ten when a harsh word tries to escape from me.
-I withdraw if I get out of hand during a fight.
Go from inner torment to inner peace.
Since torments confuse, peace clarifies.

4        I open my eyes to see the good in others.
My fellow human being is a complete value of humanity. He deserves all my respect.

5        I open my ears to perceive how others think and feel.
My fellow human being has his vision of things, his fears and necessities, his enthusiasm and his dreams. He deserves my respect.

6    I open my heart and give others my attention and affection.
My fellow human being yearns for a warm love. He deserves my benevolence.

7    I open my hands and I am with others.
My fellow human being is often helpless. He deserves my help.

8    After I fight, I think about how I can reconcile as soon as possible.
A quiet conversation the following day (perhaps with the presence of a third person will reunite us once again.

9    Every day, I pray to God: “Give me your peace in my heart”.
Since “God is peace”

10    Every day I pray to God: “Help me be a place of peace today”.
Since, God knows best where and how I can give peace.

Translated from German: Father Jose Banz, 3-20-2010-ED Pilgrimage to Lebanon – Ten rules for peace


Celina M. Garza: Spanish/English translation – Melissa Peña-Janknegt: English edit

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