Posted On 2011-09-16 In Jubilee 2014

The Father is in the midst of the little ones

BRAZIL, Sister Sônia Maria. On August 31st, the children from the Children’s Educational Center of Rincón del Sol in Curitiba received the Father Symbol that is on pilgrimage through Brazil. On September 1st, the Symbol visited the Magnificat Shrine, and then it will travel to Guarapuava.




At 7:30 a.m. on August 31st, some of the students’ parents and the teacher representing the Children’s Educational Center, Mrs. Iracema, and Sister Juliana went to the Tabor Magnificat Shrine to bring the Father Symbol to the school.

The Symbol entered over a red carpet and two children scattered red rose petals. All 110 children, their teachers, and the staff sang during the warm and meaningful welcome.

Sister M. Clades carried the Father Symbol to the entrance and then Sister M. Mercedes continued the path to the hall for the reception and the children’s tribute. At that moment, Father Claudio, a Pallottine Father and Vicar of the Community, arrived to bless everyone who attended.

The parents and the children shared the joy of being with the Father Symbol

The children paid tribute with songs and prayers. Along with the representatives of the school and Father Claudio, the Symbol was taken by to the Adoration Chapel. During the day and night, the Father Symbol stayed in the chapel, and many people visited. In the afternoon, it went to the classrooms, where there were activities to bless all the areas of the building and the children. The meaning of this Symbol was explained to the students, parents, and the staff. Some families sent letters to the Father. Upon leaving the activities of the day, many parents expressed their gratitude for the experiences that were shared. When they arrived home, many children told their parents, who could not attend because of their schedule or work, about the visit. The parents experienced this moment of blessing through invitations, explanations that were sent to the families, and by the children’s enthusiasm.

The Symbol continues on pilgrimage

On September 1st, the children bid farewell to the Father Symbol. A group continued to sing in the Chapel, and in front of the school, as the Symbol continued on its pilgrimage to all the Shrines in Brazil. On the road to the Magnificat Tabor Shrine, it passed by the Bom Jesus Church in the center of the city of Curitiba. Father Kentenich was at this church in 1947 on his first trip to Brazil.



Translation: Celina Garza, San Antonio/Melissa Janknegt, Elgin, USA



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