Posted On 2013-09-23 In Covenant Life

In the World Day for Peace , Italy crowns His Queen

ITALY, Federico Bauml. “I decided to call for the whole Church , September 7 , a day of fasting for peace in Syria and around the world … From 19:00 to 24:00 hours we will gather in prayer and in a spirit of penance to invoke this gift of God. Humanity needs to see gestures of peace. I therefore ask all communities to organize some liturgical act according to this intention. I’ll be waiting.” Yes, that’s the day Sept. 7. Divine Providence wanted to combine the feast day of the coronation of the Virgin Mary in Belmonte with a day of fasting and prayer which Pope Francis wanted, to implore God for the gift of peace.

In communion with the universal Church

A coincidence that strengthens our conviction: Schoenstatt is called to remain always united to the Pope and the universal Church.

A wonderful opportunity, and not to be missed: transforming the day at the Sanctuary in a great plea for peace, with Mary, par excellence, “Queen of Peace”.

And so the lawn of the park surrounding the Shrine of Belmonte becomes an appendage of St. Peter’s Square, and an invisible thread connects the hearts of those in the Sanctuary than those at St. Peter’s Square, and also to that of all people in the world who are expressing the same desire at the same time, all inextricably tied to an anchor fixed in Heaven.

Schoenstatt in St. Peter’s Square was there, and how. It was here physically, because some of us went anyway to the Piazza during the day, and, above all, Schoenstatt was there spiritually, in communion with all the faithful.

To crown …

The crown, literally “that which surrounds the subject,” is a ceremonial headdress used in particular by the monarchs, whose function is to elevate man or woman who wears it, representing its importance.

The Coronation of Mary as Mother and Queen of the Family, though, is not just a ceremony.

But it is also a ceremony, beautiful, joyful, colorful and enriched by the presence of nearly a thousand people from all over Italy.

The coronation in Rome is a fundamental step in a process that began ninety-nine years ago, passing from the ceremony last year, in Schoenstatt, and that it is in Schoenstatt, in just over a year from now, that it will reach its climax in the original sanctuary.

Father Kentenich used to say: “Crown whenever you can.”

Crown means to renew our faith as a family and live it every day, with our gratitude and, more importantly, with our weakness, in an attempt to live up to it and to give witness to the world, not with words but with deeds.

The crowning is homage to She who takes care of us, and at the same time a promise, a commitment to pick us up, we care of her.

The real power is in the service

It is not easy to tell in a few lines the beauty of a hectic day.

Every moment was, in its way, unique: the initial reception, the conference of Father Ludovico, who as usual has made inroads in each of us, the Rosary meditation, concluded with the reading of the prayer of John Paul II, ” never again war “, written almost ten years ago but ever so present, the Mass enriched by the impressive ceremony of coronation, and also the final concert, truly the best closing desirable.

Easier, however, it is to thank all the people who made it possible, those who in recent months have dealt with the organization, to all the volunteers who helped to set everything up and to welcome, to each of the participants who wanted to be present.

Monsignor Sanna, during the homily, said that the Christian, before being a believer, must be credible. And still on the subject of Crowning, our founder has taught us that “He who serves others selflessly is the one moving towards the true kingship.”

Here, in the linking of these two teachings, lies the spirit of service that joins with the credibility and acceptance and the welcome, lies the secret of this day, that although it is an anniversary, and thus likely to be repeated each year in a manner quite similar, will never be a mere habit, but always the opportunity to “crown ” our path: ” nothing without you, nothing without us.”

September 7, 2013 – Belmonte

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