Posted On 2013-09-25 In Covenant Life

A New Way of Living a Lay Fatherhood

CHILE, Sergio Peralta Venegas. Not long ago, the Men’s Branch of Chile celebrated the 40th anniversary of Blessed Mother’s crowning. On a somewhat cool morning, the Meeting began for men from Tuniche, a rural section near Rancagua. Very early, at 8:30 A.M., the first ones arrived from Nuevo Belén (Santiago), then the group from Abba, from Campanario (Santiago), from de Viña – Los Pinos, from Quillota, and from Bellavista.

Hearts in Tuniche were left with the feeling of providential guidance when they confirmed how paths are united through the instruments God calls forth in different places and in different ways. The chapel of Nuestra Señora del Camino (Our Lady of the Way), built by Víctor Alamos in 1994, has apostolically embraced the Men’s Branch from Rancagua, and during the last few summers, the youths, from the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores parish (Our Lady of Sorrows) from Carrascal, Santiago have been welcomed for having their missions.

From the chapel and after talking about the apostolate of the Branch in this place, the procession to the Shrine of Rancagua took place.


Those who were not able to be present for health reasons, made an effort and recorded their testimonies and greetings. These were presented at the beginning of the meeting. Then, the members of the Abba group with their valuable narratives, left a record of all the Blessed Mother had given the Branch during these years of fidelity to their Covenant. In a brilliant presentation, Juan Enrique Coeymans, former leader of the Men’s Branch, asked a vital question: one must discover – in the light of practical faith in Divine Providence – how to apply the ideal of the Branch: “Children before God and fathers before men” to the present reality in Chile.

The developed group work that followed attempted to respond to this worry presented by Juan Enrique. There was an intense exchange in trying to elucidate among themselves the title with which they wanted to crown Blessed Mother anew. In the conclusions, the desire to grow, to be more united in faith and in the apostolate, to experience in the “Puer et Pater” ideal a new way of living a lay fatherhood could be perceived.

The presence of the Holy Spirit

The initial testimonies and the subsequent exchange caused about the Coronation Mass, presided by Fr. Eduardo Aguirre and concelebrated by Fr. Raúl Feres, to start almost an hour later than planned. At the moment of renewing the coronation, they prayed the same prayer that was used in the Bellavista Shrine on July 29, 1973; it was the most moving moment. The presence of the Holy Spirit could be felt in their midst, its breath could be felt deeply.

To conclude, “the official photo” was taken, lunch including a sandwich was shared, and it was decided that in 2014, Agua Santa (Viña del Mar) would be the next See for crowning Blessed Mother, precisely on the Movement’s centennial.

They were grateful for the valuable presence of the Movement’s national director, Fr. Eduardo Aguirre; they were also grateful for the presence of Fr. Raúl Feres, advisor to the Branch, Brother of Mary, Pedro Dillinger, and Guillermo Frez, coordinator of the male column. There was an honorable mention to the Madrugadores of Rancagua [Daybreakers] (from the Shrine and parish of Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo {Our Lady of Mount Carmel}) who helped with the arrangements and silently served the Meeting’s participants.

Source: Vínculo, Revista del Movimiento de Schoenstatt de Chile

English translation: Carlos Cantú, Schoenstatt Family Federation, La Feria, Texas USA 09232013

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