Posted On 2012-03-07 In Covenant Life

In Silence with Jesus

ITALY, Gian Francesco Romano. Last February 9th, within the confines of a Schoenstatt mission in the outskirts of Rome, Schoenstatt youths put together a moment of Eucharistic adoration. They recalled how necessary it is to find – among work and activities – time to accompany the Lord.




A small expedition for an important mission

In the “Tor de’ Cenci” neighborhood, on the southern outskirts of Rome, the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary held a weeklong Schoenstatt mission. On the invitation from Don Cicero, the Brazilian pastor of “Jesus Divine Savior” parish – knowing Schoenstatt’s pastoral style in his native land – he wanted to give to his community of the faithful a secure and efficacious remedy: the visit of the Pilgrim Virgin to the homes.

The Boys’ and Girls’ Schoenstatt Youth were also in favor of collaborating, and hoping like everyone else that the mission would be fruitful through the spreading of the Pilgrim Virgin’s Rosary Campaign in the capital city of Christendom.

Thus it happened that on Thursday afternoon, the day in which the parish usually offers Eucharistic adoration, three boys and three girls, with guitars in hand, texts for meditation, a spirit of recollection, and with a great deal of good will, prepared an hour of adoration. They made their contribution to the cause… through either the power of prayer or the presentation of Schoenstatt spirituality.

Embraced with Jesus

When they arrived at the parish, they saw a modern church with a somewhat square-like exterior aspect, but very well lit and offering shelter within. Sister Julia expected the youths, having worked days earlier by inviting everyone she could to the mission, especially inviting young people.

The beginning was not very moving: one entered slowly and in silence – the Blessed Sacrament was already exposed – and in the church, besides Jesus and Sr. Julia, there was only one other person. But the afternoon’s objective is mainly an hour of adoration for which, once Jesus is present, what is lacking?

First a moment of silent prayer each one, in his/her own heart, seeks to create a proper environment for an encounter with the Lord. We all come from rushed and hectic days, and it is not easy to quickly get into the right spirit. But a few moments later, the air is lighter and the spirit is ready. Pamela, who until a few days ago was responsible for the group of Schoentatt Girls, begins the program by explaining that we will not be doing “anything special,” but that they are there only to pray with the community and to offer their contribution to achieve the necessary atmosphere. Therefore, and also considering what the Pope recently expressed about the value of “silence,” the meditations will only seek the ability of disposing oneself to listen to Jesus and to do his Will.

Silence. Prayer. Listening. Confidence. Then began the hymn to warm up the atmosphere. The hymn was “God is here,” nothing was truer in these circumstances. Then there was more silence. Each person meditated and gazed on the Blessed Sacrament. Fabrizio, from the Boys’ Youth, sang “If you would strum,” and then after several pauses and other readings, more singing, “He who dies for me,” “Vocations,” “He did marvelous things in me”…the air was now filled with our silent prayer and in back of us, during the hymns, we heard other voices. They were the voices of several people who arrived during adoration, and now they are kneeling next to us.

The hour entrusted to us is about to end. Cristiana, recently elected leader for the Girls’ Youth, stood up to explain to everyone the significance of the Treasury of Grace while several boys distributed MTA pictures and sheets of paper to write down their offerings and petitions. Fabrizio began singing again, and the people begin to deposit their sheets of paper into the urn. They did this with familiarity and ease, so much so that this makes us assume that many of them have begun to know Schoenstatt in the parish. Lastly, and also our boys and Sr. Julia, we entrusted our hopes to Mary and then all together, we prayed the Confidence Prayer.

It is good for us to be here

After adoration, in silence, we exited the Church. Then we had time to talk and to share our feelings about this special adoration. We got to know Sr. Julia, the good leader of the mission and, lastly, we also got to know Don Cicero who until now was busy meeting with another parish group.

As we have experienced so many times before, everyone had the impression of having received more than what was given: we began with the desire to lend service to the Movement and the parishioners. We desired to present Schoenstatt in the best possible way. Once we were in the Church, we met face to face with the Lord. We were there to support the mission initiated by the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary with undoubtedly the most effective instrument: prayer.

In the end, we returned to our homes. We were not more tired than when we arrived; during this time, we recharged ourselves with an hour of adoration in which we had identified ourselves with St. Peter and what he exclaimed on Mt. Tabor: “Lord, how good it is that we are here!” (MT. 17: 4)


Translation: Carlos Cantú, Schoenstatt Family Federation, La Feria, Texas USA 03062012

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