Posted On 2010-10-22 In Covenant Life

Schoenstatt is on the rise in New York City, USA

New York Motto cardUSA, Sr. M. Angela Macari. Not only tall buildings rise to “scrape the sky” in the 14th largest city of the world, but this past week offered the New York Schoenstatt Family opportunities to rise to renewed heights of love for our dear MTA.




In “The City” known internationally for its dazzling lights in Times Square and on Broadway, there is another light that softly shines, vigilantly dispelling the spiritual darkness that many people face in city life as well. It is the Shrine of Light; the Shrine which the USA Schoenstatt Family wishes to focus on throughout the next year. They will be guided by the motto: Father, give us your light!

Outreach efforts of the Latino Schoenstatt Family in New York

Covenant of Love, Mothers' LeagueIn the past week, this light has penetrated and warmed the hearts of many. The covenant of love was sealed with the MTA in her New York shrine by seven women as associate members of the Mother’s League. The two Mother’s groups in which the ladies participate are a part of the outreach efforts of our Latino Schoenstatt Family to the English speakers with whom they work or share Parish life.

The Girls’ youth here experiences a new springtime as three young women made their acceptance dedication. It was a special joy for the Caban Family that one of the girls is the third generation to seal the Covenant.

During his visit here, Father Hector Vega – a born New Yorker – blessed the Home shrines of five families living in Upper Manhattan as well as of 1 Philipino family on Staten Island.

Bringing a busload of people to the Shrine

Covenant of Love, Girls' YouthA coordinator of the Pilgrim MTA in the Bronx sealed her Covenant earlier in the week and organized a bus to bring people to the October Celebration held on October 17th.

They were a part of the 250 Movement members who gathered to honor our Schoenstatt Mother, Queen and Victress. Those attending represented every borough of the city and included others who traveled from New Jersey and the Washington, D.C. area to be present.

A highlight of the celebration was the presentation of the new motto song, with its meaningful lyrics. The new motto card was also distributed. The illustration on the card is a picture painted by Irma Ulmer in the 1960’s. It depicts a Schoenstatt Shrine as a source of light for the city radiating via the home shrines to more and more areas in need of light.

It is our prayer that the light from our New York shrine continues to warm and brighten the first year of the triennium toward 2014. Father, give us your light!

4 Responses

  1. Aurelio Vargas says:

    I will like to know the near by sanctuary from queens ny I live in woodhaven and my mother will like to visited the santuary

  2. Katherine Valverde says:

    Hola mi nombre es Katherine Valverde y me gustaria saber mas informacion acerca de la Congregacion en NY donde queda y las horas de atencion, yo vivo en New Jersey ahora pero cuando vivi en Ecuador asista al Santuario y quisiera retomar esa conexion.

    Gracias de antemano por la informacion


  3. Carlos Correa says:

    Estimada Carol,

    Esta es la direccion en NY: 337 Cary Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10310-2041.

    Cordial saludos,


  4. Carol Espinoza Chang says:

    I don´t speak and write English,but I do it Spanish.Hola mi nombre es Carol Espinoza, soy de Guayaquil -Ecuador, pero desde hace 8 meses vivo en New Jersey,Estados Unidos,podrian darme informacion acerca de la Congregacion aqui en EEUU,de la que me quede mas cerca; ya que mi hija mayor, que tiene 9 años, cuando viviamos en Guayaquil,ella participo como Apostol de Maria por 2 años; la verdad mi hija muy contenta de pertenecer al movimiento y logiacemente yo como su madre tambien. Me gustaria que mi hija siga esa legion de Maria, porque para mi es muy importante la formacion de los valores y principios cristianos en nuestros hijos y en nosotros como padres.
    Les pido inmesamente vuestra ayuda, para poder contactarme con uds y asi me orienten en la manera de como podemos ser participes del movimiento aqui en New Jersey.
    Carol Espinoza

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