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Esta cita se encuentra a lo largo de Library Way, un tramo de la calle 41 Este, que conduce a la Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York. La placa fue esculpida por Gregg LeFevre
UNITED STATES/SPAIN, Miguel Ángel Rubio • Last Easter I was in New York. One day, as I was walking along 41st Street near 5th Avenue, where the Public Library is located, I noticed that the floor was covered with metal plaques with quotes from famous people. One of them caught my eye with the following inscription: “The universe is made of stories, not atoms” (Muriel Rukeyser 1913-1980. “The Speed of Darkness”). The inscription stood on a background that resembled a molecular lattice in which the atoms were shaped like openRead More
COMMUNICATION ACCORDING TO JOSEPH KENTENICH’S EXAMPLE, Maria Fischer .    “So that you can tell your son and grandson” (Ex 10:2). Life creates history. That is the theme Pope Francis has chosen for the World Communication Day. “By choosing this theme, taken from a passage in the Book of Exodus, Pope Francis underlines how particularly precious is the patrimony of memory in communications. The Pope has emphasized many times that there is no future without being rooted in the lived history. He has helped us understand that memory is notRead More