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SOUTH AFRICA, Sarah-Leah Pimentel • “That Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace” – this is the Holy Father`s universal prayer intention for the month of May 2017. In the monthly video spread and developed by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer), he says: “When we look at Africa, we see much more than its great natural richness. We see its joie de vivre, and above all, we see grounds for hope in Africa’s rich intellectual, culturalRead More
Francis week by week (5) • This week’s quotation is from the Holy Father’s Mass in the fairgrounds of Ciudad Juárez, just 80 metres from the United States border on 17 February 2016. (Full text) This week, let us read and listen to the message to the Mexicans as if spoken to us, a Movement that with holy pride experiences the grace of inner transformation in its shrines and in its missionary, educational and pastoral actions, works for the transformation of men and society “from within.” Acting as living shrines,Read More