Posted On 2014-10-14 In Jubilee 2014

The madmen open the roads that the wise men then travel (Carlo Dossi)

PARAGUAY, José Aníbal Argüello Rojas. A week after the start of the pilgrimage that the Novices of the Latin-American Course are carrying out, we have been able to contact Father Bernardo Parra, who shared some details about this “madness of love”.



We recall that the Novices, along with their novice master Father Bernardo Parra, proposed to unite the Shrines of Ciudad del Este and of Tuparenda with this pilgrimage. To accomplish this goal, they will walk the more than 300 kilometers that separate both Shrines.

He commented that their journey began very early, at 4:00 a.m. Between Lauds and breakfast, they prepared the few things that they carry; they began the pilgrimage at 6:00 a.m., with the intention of overcoming the already famous blazing and very hot Paraguayan sun.

On pilgrimage carrying the Blessed Mother in their arms

They traveled an average of 20 to 25 kilometers daily during a 4 to 5 hour walk. They walk with the Blessed Mother in their arms, praying the rosary, greeting those who give them strange looks as they watch them when they pass and they give them a smile in return. They are already known on the route, and those who travel on this road daily, greet them with loud speakers and shouts of encouragement.

Father Bernardo stressed that it has been one of the most meaningful and surprising experiences of the Novices, who being truly foreign pilgrims, are discovering the wonder of the depth of Paraguay: its towns, its people, the ancestral Marian devotion. He referred that “this is an extra-ordinary experience of the Church and of knowing a Paraguay in depth. The hospitality and the Faith has no equal,”, and he added that to decant everything they have experienced would take many weeks of conversations.

With the people of God

Once they reach the distance marked for the day, they seek a place to stay. The Blessed Mother always takes care of this, and despite always arriving at places without previous warning, they are welcomed with the greatest hospitality and kindness by those who admire the feat that they are carrying out; they welcome them as true sons.

They have arrived at chapels, parishes, schools, where classes have even been suspended so that the students could share a Mass with the Novices and Father Bernardo, and to hear their testimony about this pilgrimage. They have also had intense moments, such as accompanying a family who had just lost a loved one, and praying the response with them.

On pilgrimage toward the Jubilee

The novices go on pilgrimage toward the Centenary. They decided to do it on foot, as Christ did it in his time. They accompany Christ on their pilgrimage to the Jubilee, and the best part of this is the Blessed Mother guides and takes care of them.

We pray for this madness of love the novices are carrying out. There is still more than half of the way to travel. The heat and the sun are strong, the weariness makes legs tremble; but the spirit and the strength of the Covenant of Love overcome any obstacle, and by the Blessed Mother’s hand, all the steps are firm.

Mt. 10, 6-10

“Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, make this proclamation: “The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; no sack got the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick. The laborer deserves his keep.”.


Original: Spanish – Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA

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