Posted On 2014-10-11 In Jubilee 2014

Pope Francis lights the torch – and the flame is on the way to Schoenstatt

FACKELLAUF 2014, mda. Incredible. Simply incredible. Incredible. No other word was repeated with such frequency as this sent by the torch runners. Incredible…after Pope Francis lit the torch at the end of the General Audience on 8 Ocrtober, Fackellauf 2014 got underway. Even though the live transmission on CTV was interrupted before this moment, hours later, the “spiritual” torch runners were looking through the photo gallery for Osservatore Romano and Foto-Felici, they watch this simple and incredible gesture with which Pope Francis blesses the torch and the torch run, which will carry the fire of the Covenant of Love from Rome to Schoenstatt.

One of the main concerns while standing in line to enter St. Peter’s Square: Can we film? First we were told that we couldn’t, and they kept telling us no. And then: “It’s hard to believe, but they gave us permission. First row in the press zone. Four of us…simply wonderful…”

Part of the same Family

Our message and testimony become more credible the more we are able to live in community. On its journey through time the Church has been tempted by the devil who wants to divide it and, unfortunately, throughout history there were difficult and painful divisions. There were many reasons for these, but in one way or another, it had to do with arrogance and selfishness. We cannot be indifferent or resign ourselves to these wounds. First of all, our prayers are necessary, which continues the prayer of Jesus. Then Christ demands that we be open to encounter and dialogue, to welcome that which is good and valid in what others offer us, and to look at what unites us, to better know and love the Lord. This requires us to concretely place ourselves before the truth, be able to forgive and see ourselves as part of the same Family. This is the summary of Pope Francis’ catechesis, during which he revealed with great joy that it was the anniversary of his First Holy Communion.

When he then greeted the pilgrims in German, he said: “I especially greet the participants of the Fackellauf 2014 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Schoenstatt Movement.” And the camera panned to the 85 boys with their red running jackets and the fire of Schoenstatt burning inside of them. They are there to represent the many others who are part of the same Family who, in a few days, will gather here in Rome to be sent out into a new century of missionary activity.

Departure from Belmonte

Soon after the audience, the runners arrived in Belmonte, their home in Rome, and the place to which on Friday, the second day of the Fackellauf, they returned with the torch. A “true” first meeting for all those who arrived by air or car in the last few days and hours to begin the Fackellauf from Valle di Pompei. “While the sun sets and announces the end of the day, the landscape passes quickly by us…and somehow we get ahead of ourselves.
With the lit torch and burning hearts, we hurry to the starting point of our project.
A project that still moves us because it seems so unbelievable, but which we want to take the risk!
We are ready!
Your Covenant – our mission!” they wrote on the Fackellauf blog.

The first step

Valle di Pompei, 9 October. Get to know the area from which the daring idea grew to maturity in Fr. Kentenich’s heart and which he expressed in Schoenstatt on 18 October in the old St. Michael’s chapel. Their hearts were ignited. Schoenstatt is born of the fire that burns in the heart of the first sodalists. And it still continues.

At exactly midday they set out. Set out from Pompeii. “The flame is on the way. Punctually at midday, Thomas Lehmann set out with a desire in his heart and the torch in his hand, together with Stephan Jehle (on a bicycle) from the Basilica in Valle de Pompei on the road that leads to Naples,” relate the runners.

This is what they say about Naples:

“We met in the heart of Naples. There is an enormous buzz in the street and on the bus. Where is the runner?
Through the noise of the streets we couldn’t see anything. Permanent radio messages…A sudden slamming of breaks because a moped right in front of us…Look into the side streets.
In the midst of all this, we hear “Avanti, Avanti!” Everything seems chaotic, but meanwhile, we set out with a clear goal before us: Belmonte in Rome, where we need to be tomorrow!
And when at the last minute, we are able to avoid the next accident, an unlikely jacket…the runner! We found him again and he is on the way.”

On the way to Belmonte, on the way to Schoenstatt, on the way to the future.


October 9, 2014

Photos Osservatore Romano

Photos Felici

Photos runners – Audience



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