Posted On 2013-07-16 In Covenant Life

A Rose as a Word of Love

CHILE, Amelia Peirone. When Mario Hiriart would visit the Blessed Mother’s Shrine in Bellavista, Chile, he would often cut a rose from the rosebush his mother cultivated at the entrance of the house.  He would take it to Mary as a word of love.  Later, in Milwaukee, USA, when cancer was shortening his life, he came to the place where they were building a new Marian Shrine, and in the foundation, he buried a red rose as a symbol of his surrender, his giving of himself.  He wanted to tell Mary:  “I may die, but the rose of my love will not.”  When he died on July 15, 1964, his friends placed a red rose in his hands.  Now, at the paschal tomb behind the Blessed Mother’s Shrine in Bellavista, many come bringing roses for Mario.

We are on our way to the Golden Anniversary of Mario Hiriart’s death, and as our older brother, he will take us to the Blessed Mother.  In 2014, both anniversaries will coincide, fifty years for Mario’s death and the 100th birthday of the Schoenstatt Covenant of Love.  Following is a “proposal of roses:”


An idea came forth:  This year (July 15, 2013 – July 15, 2014), prepare our hearts in order to make a feast of that concurrence; one can do it by putting together a bouquet of roses.

1. This is an inspiring proposal that will take place during the entire year (7-15-13 to 7-15-14) to cultivate true choice gardens, personal and community gardens.

2. A rose can be printed from pdf, or cut out roses from magazines, look at the roses in your garden, or as you pass along streets or flower shops.  If you make out a diagram, you mark a sign on a rose everytime you say a prayer for a person.

3. Upon saying whichever of these ejaculations: 
“Mary, Mother mine”,
“With You, Mother, A Living Chalice”, or
“Queen, my hope and my comfort,” you offer it for one of the persons on Mario’s prayer chain, or for others you know and need our prayer.  Upon saying the prayer, you mark your flower, only so that you may see your roses covered with prayers.

4. You must offer 50 prayers for each rose, which we will then offer to Mario.  Monthly you can also write to: indicating how many roses you have, and thus each month you will begin anew beginning with zero.

5. At the main Jubilee celebration on October 18, 2014, in Germany – at the 100th birthday of the faithful Covenant with Mary of so many children in the world with Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, Mother Thrice Admirable – many real rose bushes will arrive there in the name of our Covenant of Love and of prayer with Mario, and along with him, with Mary.

6. May each one invite others so they may plant roses on the way, everyday.

When does it begin?

Monday, July 15, 2013.

How? In each Shrine or parish, on July 15th, we invite our priests to offer the Eucharist praying that the extraordinary love of the servant of God, Mario Hiriart, for the Eucharistic Jesus and the Virgin Mary, may also be our model and way of sanctity.

Something else? Yes, for those who cannot go to a Shrine or parish church on that day, offer a Rosary on that day.  Especially invited are those who are already a part of the intercessory chain, to pray daily during the Jubilee, a Hail Mary so that Mario may be our great intercessor for health of body and soul, and for the sanctity of the laity, as he was.

To download the pamphlet in PDF

Translation:  Carlos Cantú, Schoenstatt Family Federation, La Feria, Texas USA   07132013

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