Posted On 2012-03-04 In Covenant Life

An extraordinary Mission Week

ITALY, Sister M. Julia de Almeida. Recently, Gian Francesco described the beautiful time of Adoration one of the main events of an extraordinary Mission Week to share with everyone.




The sending forth

As a Schoenstatt Family, we experienced an unforgettable missionary week at Jesus Divine Savior Parish in Tor de’ Cenci, south of Rome. We were invited by the Pastor Father Cicero José de Almeida, a priest, who is very devoted to Mary and full of apostolic zeal.

The Virgin wants to reach every family, and She does not tire in calling missionaries, who are ready to be her arms, her legs, her eyes, her ears, and above all a heart that is attentive to the needs of others.

During February 5th to 12th, in the snow, our entire attention was directed toward Tor de’ Cenci, but with faith in the Blessed Mother.

Our week

In the morning, from the Family Branch, Benedicta, Sister Vera Lucía, and I along with the pastor went to visit families. We took the Pilgrim MTA, who was quickly welcomed wherever she visited, as is proper for a mother. The elderly, who many times are enclosed at home and lonely, but also the youth, who have strayed from the Church’s road, quickly found a warm, welcoming, and understanding heart in the Mother Thrice Admirable- one that is ready to offer refuge.

After lunch, activities for the boys and children of the catechism classes were carried out through a puppet show, and with the help of videos, they learned about the wonderful story of the Mother Thrice Admirable and Her Shrine.

Every child, elderly adult, and teenager learned the meaning of making contributions to the Capital of Grace: Mother received quite a great amount during this week! It was a week when many approached to ask for graces, to express their gratitude, and to offer their daily gifts!

The event with the elderly of the parish was equally strong; there was joy on their faces, and they welcomed the Virgin in their hearts with faith. Other groups, such as Divine Reading and the Scouts also joined our prayer to the Mother of God with the title of Mother, Queen and the Mother Thrice Admirable Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt.

The community gathered on Thursday afternoon to adore the Lord in the Eucharist. Adoration was scheduled from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. The Schoenstatt youth had an hour of Adoration from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.: They accompanied Jesus with songs, silence, and with personal and community prayer. He also accompanied us, filling our hearts with His grace and peace, after a tiring journey.

We accompanied the Holy Mass and the Holy Rosary with meditations, symbols, and commentary about the Liturgy of Marian Mass, which was chosen every day, offering prayer to the Lord for all the intentions of the world, the Church and the parish.

Some activities were cancelled because of bad weather and because of the beautiful snowfall, which fell over Rome after more than twenty years. However, the devoted faithful were not intimidated, and they braved the snow and the cold, to actively participate in the planned activities.

…And now we continue together

Sunday, February 12th, was the closing of our Marian mission week. The closing Mass was celebrated by Father Ludovico Tedeschi, a member of the Institute of Schoenstatt Fathers, and he is the National Director of the Movement. Some couples from the Movement and some Sisters of Mary were also present. During this celebration, the Pilgrim Mother entered solemnly carried by the families.

After Mass, they burned the plentiful Capital of Grace that was gathered during Mission Week: everyone truly understood the “nothing without you, nothing without us” offering small contributions to the Capital of Grace of the Mother of God.

Such an important visit could not end with only this week. In fact, the families are now organizing groups to take the Pilgrim MTA to their own homes.

She will enter delicately wherever there are open hearts: She does not want to leave Tor de’Cinci, because She has not only found open hearts; but the entire parish community, beginning with the pastors, has been the first to welcome the Mother Thrice Admirable.

Thank you Fathers Cicero, Erik, and Estanislao for the invitation!!!

She is the great missionary and She will work miracles in our families!!!


Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, Tx: Spanish/English translation – M.P.Janknegt: English edit

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