Posted On 2011-12-08 In Covenant Life

Crowning of the Blessed Mother: a task of the Women’s Branches from Achumani

BOLIVIA, Lizzie Loetz. At the Shrine of Achumani in the Bolivian highlands, one is closer to heaven, with effort, and a pair of “extra large” lungs, one can breathe the rarefied Andes air. On November 21st, the Feast of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary, the 10th Anniversary of the blessing of the Shrine, and the 9th Anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Branch, the Women’s Branch, the Rosary Group, and the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign crowned the Blessed Mother as “Queen of fruitfulness in growth” after praying nearly 850 Confidence prayers, and with the careful preparation by the team that was in charge.

In spite of being in existence for several years, the Women’s Branches have grown very little, and in many cases, the members have decreased. Therefore after a retreat of the first circle of militancy (members of the Schoenstatt Apostolic League) of the Women’s Branch, which was held in July in Yungas with the beloved and loyal advisor of the Branch, Sister María Angélica, we concluded that it was necessary and urgent to present the Blessed Mother with a crown and to offer her our eagerness to grow, the experience of smallness of limitations, the lack of commitment that emerges so many times, the weakness and the lack of time, and the conditional commitment…She promptly took charge of the desire and projects of the Branch as She worked to perfection as only She can. As an affectionate Mother and as an educator in all circumstances, she displayed all her power to conquer many, very many feminine hearts for Achumani.

Mary’s simplicity

The crowning ceremony was prepared with much affection and care by Macarena, Vicky, Wilma, and other committed ladies, who were responsible for the organization, while several Bolivian women participated in an retreat in the Cenacle Shrine of Bellavista, where they were filled by life and energy transmitted by their Chilean Branch sisters.

Father Giovanni Arana, a Schoenstatt diocesan priest, celebrated a very touching crowning Mass with reflections about Mary’s simplicity, which invited each of us to hold Her hand tightly, entrusting ourselves to Her as docile and apt instruments. As one of the songs says, “We cannot carry out our mission without Mary, we will grow, grow, thanks to her intercession.”

The desire to grow

The contributions to the capital of grace, the crowning prayer composed by the ladies, and the crown were presented at the offertory. The crown was made from Bolivian tin, which symbolizes the strength of the ladies’ work. It contained some seeds representing the beginning of life and the desire for growth. The buds symbolize transformation and development. There is a Shrine at the center of the crown sheltering a rose in full bloom that symbolizes fruitfulness, and it represents the desire to grow. The feminine community will be fruitful and develop new life, when each person fully understands that the process of growing, developing, building, of developing life is everyday sanctity, a joyful, determined, and active commitment of all the members of the Women’s Branch, the Rosary Group, and the Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign. This process should personally implore them to question their individual responsibility and serious commitment in pursuit of much desired growth. One cannot easily delegate individual responsibilities to the current leaders; it is about the contribution of each and every one! It is only through the presence of each one in the Women’s Branches of Achumani along with their work and commitment that the groups will be strengthened in number and depth. Then they will be builders of history and life.


Luego de concluida la ceremonia de coronación todas las participantes y el público asistente compartieron unos momentos agradables y confraternizaron en una de las salas multiuso. Allí se colocó el cuadro de la Reina de la Fecundidad. Los comentarios intercambiados se concentraron en la necesidad de entregarse por completo a la tarea de regalarle a María las manos para que Ella pueda trabajar, sin el decidido aporte de cada una nada podrá realizarse y todo intento será estéril e inútil. Se comentaron algunas estrofas de la oración de coronación en la que se le pide a María su ayuda para reiniciar el camino y cumplir mejor la misión encomendada hace nueve años. Ella, que colocó la semilla en los corazones, hará que germine y pronto cosechará abundantes frutos de su amor.




Celina M. Garza: Spanish/English translation – Melissa Peña-Janknegt: English edit

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