Posted On 2010-02-27 In Covenant Life

When they saw the Auxiliary Mother Thrice Admirable, the missionaries and their families applauded

18 de febrero en la ermita de Goya, ArgentinaARGENTINA, Inés Petiti. On February 18th, the family of the Goya Rosary Campaign trembled with joy when they received the visit of the Auxiliary MTA at the Blessed Mother wayside shrine in the Diocese of Corrientes. Thanks to the kindness of Ramón Sandoval an MTA soldier from the capital, Corrientes, it was possible for the Goya Schoenstatt Family to have this celestial visit during this time of Lent in which we accompany the footsteps of Jesus.


Rezando los Mil Ave MaríaLent began this Wednesday with ashes…it will end with fire, water, and the Light of the Easter Vigil.

Lord…the old man in us should be burned, destroyed, to make room for the Easter life of Jesus Christ…How touching and what hope…to be this close to the Auxiliary MTA, a replica of the one your son, John Pozzobon, the initiator of the Rosary Campaign, carried.

The Auxiliary MTA arrived shortly before the One Thousand Hail Marys began: When they saw it, the missionaries and their families applauded, kneeling before Her image of her son in her arms. The One Thousand Hail Marys began at 12:30 although it was very hot the joy of such beautiful company brought a breath of fresh air to the hearts of those present.

A Queen with a garden that is filled with God

Llegada de la AuxiliarFather Rodolfo Barboz, who loves Mary so much and is an adviser of the Campaign, prayed the rosary with the Family, and he spoke to them about the hard times that we are living as Christians, stating that Lent should be framed with conversion…which is attained by: prayer, purification of one’s inner life, and living for our brethren. He encouraged them to follow God sincerely asking for help to amend our lives in the Light of the Gospel. Father Rodolfo stressed that in this corner of Goya, the Blessed Mother is seen as a queen with a garden filled with God.

One Thousand Hail Marys and Holy Mass on the 18th, Covenant of Love Day close to the Auxiliary… Thank you Lord for showing us how the abundant capital of grace offered in your Mother’s Goya wayside shrine obtains these gifts for the heart.

In this place, the Blessed Mother offers her Eucharistic Son. Lady, what a loyal love!

Stay with us, we need you so much!

Santa MisaHoly Mass began at 7:00 p.m.; Father Flavio was the celebrant. He is the pastor of the Our Lady of Itati Parish and a Marian priest who the Mother of God loves in a very special way and he returns this love with great giving of self. This moment was filled with light, with family…God gives these little bits of time to his children, and he makes their hearts beat strongly with beats of love.

Thank you my God for lending us your Mother on this Lenten road, on this little piece of land in Corrientes that loves your Son so much as well as his blessed Mother! We shout our feelings of enormous gratitude to you, Lord. It is our heart that expresses gratitude, Lady; you have demonstrated the love that you shower on this place of the nation. We know that you do it as the great mother that you are; you take care of each one of your children. Lady, you continue on your pilgrim way leaving your celestial aroma at your wayside shrine in Goya thereby spreading love to all who happily welcome you…During these days, your presence is the sun of Jesus who fills our life. Stay with us, we need you so much!

An altar close to the Intensive Care Unit

Santa MisaOn February 21st the Auxiliary MTA was taken to Mass in Lavalle, the day before it had stayed at a clinic. An altar was prepared with a small candle and flowers close to the Intensive Care Unit. On Monday February 22nd, it visited a special school in Goya.

Beginning on February 18th, the Auxiliary was at two important police stations, with firefighters, at two FM radio stations, at two secondary schools, a girls’ home, the Federal Police, an English Institute…she was a Queen giving joy to all the places she went!

Un pequeño paraíso

Translation: Celina Garza, San Antonio, USA/Melissa Janknegt, Elgin, USA

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