Manuel de la Barreda Tag

Manuel de la Barreda, Spain •  In several articles and comments that I have read for some time in this medium, I seem to glimpse a need for change, even a desire for change in our Family, in our Movement, although it is also true that this vision, this need that some of us see, is not shared by all. — It also seems that we need someone else to come to us with the given change, someone else to put the bell on the cat. As much as SchoenstattRead More
Espiritu Santo

Posted On 02.06.2023In Covenant Life

Soul of my soul

By Manuel de la Barreda, Madrid, Spain •  “Soul of my Soul.” This is what Fr. Kentenich calls the Holy Spirit in his prayer (Heavenwards, 639), the defender promised by Jesus Christ to the apostles (Jn 16:7), who will make them understand the whole teaching of Christ and through him they will be able to perform great wonders. “These are the signs that will accompany those who believe: In my name they’ll drive out demons, they’ll speak in new languages, and they’ll pick up snakes with their hands. Even ifRead More