Carlos E. Barrio and Lipperheide Tag

ARGENTINA, Carlos Barrio e Lipperheide • We are living an unprecedented world reality, a situation in which we are all learning and looking for ways to move forward, in the midst of many uncertainties and unanswered questions. — We are all in shock, anguish and disoriented. We do not know when or how we will overcome these circumstances, but, what we do know is that we must find a way out and overcome the pandemic. Surely after this the world will not be the same and we will all haveRead More
Carlos E. Barrio y Lipperheide, Argentina • I am saddened by the profound events that dress our contemporary world in mourning.  To cite just a few examples, I think of the recent attack in Barcelona, the hungry and desperate immigrants who reach the developed world’s closed doors, the hunger and misery of so many who cannot find a way to escape their poverty. These pains bring me to the cross of inconsolable people that are destroyed, anxious and hopeless. The weight of so many crosses, much crueler than mine!  WhatRead More