Ascensión Tag

Madrid, May 21st, 2020, the day of the Lord’s Ascension, Barbara Anne De Franceschi • We’ve lost a holy priest. Slowly, quietly, offering in silence an illness that has taken away his physical strength and vigor, but has kept him alert until his last agony. Surrounded by his brothers in community, cared for by the Palliative Care Unit, and sustained by the prayers of two countries that he loved deeply and that loved him just as much. — In Chile, his country of origin, his large family: his community ofRead More
By Fr. Oscar Iván Saldivar • At the close of the Easter season, the Church invites us to reflect on the “ascension” of the Lord, the Resurrected Christ, into Heaven. What does the Ascension of the Lord mean? What are we celebrating? Every Sunday we recite in the Creed: “I believe in Jesus Christ…and ascended into heaven where he is seated at the right hand of the Father Almighty.” In this Mass we celebrate the “ascension,” the Resurrected Jesus rising up into heaven. But do we understand what we areRead More