Posted On 2014-09-19 In Francis - Message

Communicating is to give, communicating is generosity, communicating is respect

org. Every part of the Church, and many others outside of her – believers or non-believers – have received Pope Francis` clear and hope-filled words. They are also words that motivate us to assume the responsibility we all have to build a world in accordance to the Will of God, in the strength of the Spirit and through the way of Christ. Cardinals and bishops, priests, men and women religious, novices and seminarians, families, the youth and elderly, communities and institutes have received this challenge to go out “onto the street” to take – not a utopian hope – but concrete deeds in living evangelization projects to all men and women wherever they may be. And if they are on the “outskirts” then we have to go there, with all the risks and dangers it may include. He repeats to us constantly: I prefer an injured church, because she goes out to serve, to a Church that is sick because of her self-absorption. Testimony to this can be found in the section of where on a weekly basis texts are selected which motivate us on our own pilgrimage toward the 2014 Jubilee. Undoubtedly, because we are the Church, these words are also directed to us. How happy must our Father not be with this missionary impetus which is given to us from the very heart of the Church! (Fr. José María García)

Our Christian witness is authentic when it is faithful and unconditional

Tweet @pontifex_en, 04.09.2014

Paul tells us that the power of the Word of God, which changes the heart, which changes the world, which gives us hope, which gives us life is not in human wisdom; it is not in speaking beautifully or saying things with human intelligence. No. That is foolishness, he said. The power of God’s Word comes from somewhere else. Moreover, the power of God’s Word passes through the heart of the preacher, and he therefore tells those who preach the word of God: “Become foolish, that is, do not put your security in your wisdom, in the wisdom of the world.

Mass at Santa Marta; 4.9.2014

The apostle Paul does not boast of his studies and having studied with the most important teachers of his age, if not of two things. He himself says: “I boast only of my sins.” This is scandalous. And in another place he says: “I boast only in Christ and this Crucifix.” The power of the Word of God is in this encounter between my sins and the blood of Christ, which saves me. And when this encounter does not exist, there is no strength in the heart. When we forget this encounter in our life, we become worldly, we want to speak about the things of God with human language, and this does not work, it does not give life.

Mass at Santa Marta, 4.9.2014

The privileged place for the encounter with Jesus Christ is our own sins. If a Christian is unable to truly feel that he is a sinner and saved by the blood of the crucified Christ, he is only a half-way Christian, he is a lukewarm Christian. And where we find decadent churches, decadent parishes, decadent institutions, then there are certainly Christians who have never met Jesus Christ or they have forgotten their encounter with Him. The power of the Christian life and the power of the Word of God is in this moment where I, the sinner, encounter Jesus Christ and in that moment my life is turned upside down, it changes…It gives you strength to announce salvation to others… Am I able to say to the Lord: “I am a sinner,” not in theory, but by confessing my concrete sins? Am I capable of believing that He, with his Blood, has saved me from sin and has given me new life? Do I trust in Christ?

Mass at Santa Marta, 4.9.2014

Good evening, I’m glad you have come together for such a symbolic match. It is a match which highlights the union of the teams, and the union of spectators watching, and everyone’s desire, which is for peace. It is a match where no one plays for himself, nor for one another, but for all. And thus each one grows. And by playing as a team each one grows as a person, grows as a people, becomes greater. And by playing as a team, the competition, instead of being a war, is the seed of peace. For this reason the symbol for this match is the olive tree. I greet, in a special way, the members of Scholas, who have cooperated in the organization of this match, and who will plant the olive tree of peace. I invite all of you to plant it together with Scholas. I apologize for speaking in Spanish, but it is the language of my heart, and today I wish to speak to you from the heart. Thank you.

Video message of Pope Francis on the occasion of the “Match for Peace,” 1.9.2014

In life, you can do two opposing things: either build bridges or put up walls. Walls separate, divide. Bridges bring people together. Answering your question: What can you do? Continue to communicate, communicate experiences, your experiences. You have so much in your hearts. You can achieve so much. This is exactly what you said in your presentation, communicate so that others can be inspired and listen to what others have to say, and with this communication, nobody commands, but everything works. It is the spontaneity of life, to say yes to life. Communicating is to give, communicating is generosity, communicating is respect, communicating is to avoid all kinds of discrimination. Keep it up, guys.

Videoconference with the youth of the “Scholas” social network, 4.9.2014

Will the future be better or worse? I don’t have a crystal ball to look into the future. But I can tell you one thing: Do you know where the future is? It is in your heart, it is in your mind and it is in your hands. If you feel good, if you think well and if you use your hands to put these good thoughts and feelings into action, the future will be better. The future is in the hands of the youth. But take care, dear young people, of these two qualities: youth with wings and youth with roots. Young people who have the wings to fly, to dream, to create, and have the roots to receive the wisdom that older people have to give. This is why the future is in your hands if you have wings and roots. Have the courage to dream good things, to dream of a better world, to protest against wars. And on the other hand, respect the wisdom you have received from your elders, your parents, your grandparents, the elders of your people. The future is in your hands. Make the most of it so that it will be better…One thing, which is not mine – Jesus said it many times – “Do not be afraid.” In my country, we have an expression that I don’t know how to translate into English: “Don’t become wrinkled.” Do not be afraid, go forward, build bridges of peace, work as a team and make the future better. Remember the future is in your hands. Dream of the future while flying, but don’t forget the cultural, knowledge-based and religious roots that your elders left you. Go forward with courage. Make the future.

Videoconference with the youth of the “Scholas” social network, 4.9.2014

St. Paul said: “I did not come among you to convince you with arguments, with words, even with images”… No. he came in a different way, with a different style. He came under the manifestation of the Holy Spirt and his power. So that his faith was not founded in human wisdom, but the power of God.” In this way, the Word of God is something different, something that is not the same as a human word, a wise word, a scientific word, a philosophical word. It comes in a different way. He is the strength. It is the Word of God that is anointed by the Holy Spirit. Also for us, if we want to hear and receive the Word of God, we should pray to the Holy Spirit and ask for this anointing of the heart, which is the anointment of the Beautitudes. A heart that is like the heart of the Beatitudes. It would be good for us during the course of today, to ask ourselves: “But how do I receive the Word of God? As something interesting? The priest today preached this, how interesting. How wise this priest is! Or do I receive it like this, simply because His Word is the living Jesus? And am I able – pay attention to the question – am I able to buy a small Gospel? It costs very little, no? Buy a small Gospel and carry it in your pocket?

Mass at Santa Marta, 01.09.2014

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