Posted On 2011-05-09 In Covenant Life

A joy for Schoenstatt and for the entire Church

Recibe la caliz de las manos de su madreARGENTINA, Juan Barbosa. On April 30th Bishop Carlos José Ñáñez, Archbishop of Córdoba, ordained Pablo Gerardo Perez as a priest during a very well attended ceremony, where people’s faces reflected different emotions and one especially: heartfelt joy. The first and very well attended Mass of the newly ordained priest was celebrated the following morning in the Schoenstatt Shrine of Solidarity in Villa Warcalde.



Two strong emotions and a double sign

Arco Iris dobleApproximately at noon, very tragic and sorrowful news affected the hearts of the local and Argentine National Schoenstatt Family. Maria Elena Carmona, Father Guillermo Carmona`s mother, departed to the House of the Father precisely on the day that a priest was being ordained. “Elenita always prayed for vocations. It was one of the activities that she carried out with great love…Let us not forget that her own son is a priest,” commented a member of Maria Elena’s family. Along with her husband Baltasar, who preceded her in death several years ago, they were founders of the Family Work in Cordoba, forming the first group with the name: Rainbow.

In Schoenstatt, the Rainbow has a fundamental meaning, since it is a sign of the Covenant of Love that God sealed with mankind, and Schoenstatt spirituality is based and founded on the Covenant of Love with Mary that was first sealed on October 18, 1914.

At 6:30 p.m., which coincided with the beginning of the Ordination Ceremony, a light but constant shower fell over the city, and simultaneously, A DOUBLE RAINBOW was seen in the sky over the city. This was a delicate sign on this day for the two events that occupied the hearts of these Schoenstatters.

Priestly Ordination of someone who is very close

Agradecimiento del neosacerdoteFather Pablo Gerardo has a long history within the Schoenstatt Family from Cordoba through which he has reaped many friends over the years, all of them very close because of his jovial and open personality that always lends itself to good communication. “Except when he plays soccer, because he is very temperamental, and he always wants to give the best of himself and from his team,” commented a childhood friend.

The Schoenstatt Fathers from the Region were present in a large number, as well as the Sisters of Mary who reside in Cordoba. His course brothers and the novices were also present, since no one wanted to miss the most important day in the life of their brother and friend.

During the imposition of the hands and of his blessing by the Archbishop of Cordoba, emotions ran high and the Family Choir, composed mainly of Schoenstatt Youth intermittently broke the silence with their songs. Tears were shed – tears of emotion, and joy…

The celebration after the ceremony was impeccably hosted by the Mothers’ Branch with an abundant atmosphere of family and friendship. The festivities were scheduled to be at an adjoining hall, but there were so many people, it spread out to the sidewalk, and from there, they greeted and congratulated the new priest. It was a celebration for Schoenstatt and for the entire church.

The first Mass in his Shrine

Primera MisaPablo Gerardo’s long history with Schoenstatt is based on the Shrine of Solidarity of Villa Warcalde, where he has visited since he was a child, and where undoubtedly during his long hours of prayer, his vocation developed and matured. He was a Pioneer (member of the youth and Boys’ Youth), Missionary of the Pilgrim MTA, then a novice, and seminarian; a large part of his life is integrated in Schoenstatt.

There was a strong wind on May 1st and even the most confident foresaw an uncomfortable ceremony from the point of view of the weather… About thirty minutes before the ceremony began, calm reigned and a luminous sun sheltered the participants lasting throughout the ceremony.

Father Jose Maria Iturreria was in charge of the homily; he is one of Father Gerardo’s course brothers. With his warmth and typical good nature, he expressed words of great affection for Father Gerardo using a phrase that still echoes in the corners of “La Villa”, “What you do is not as important as what you allow to happen.” Later and within the homily, he reiterated an invitation that Father Pablo Gerardo has undoubtedly been practicing: “Allow yourself to be led by God.”

The first blessing of the new priest took more than two hours, since the participants, beginning with the Fathers, the Sisters of Mary, the Seminarians and Novices, did not want to miss the blessing of the newly ordained Father Pablo Gerardo Perez.

A luncheon generously hosted by the Mothers’ Federation was the highlight and included a video; it was two emotional days for the family.

In regard to comments after the death of his mother, Father Guillermo Carmona said, “when a loved one departs, a smile from heaven and a cry on earth can be perceived.” It is an absolute truth, and we imagined two enormous smiles, one for Father Gerardo Perez and his ordination and one Maria Elena Carmona at her meeting with God the Father.

Translation: Celina Garza, San Antonio, Melissa Janknegt, Elgin, USA

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