Posted On 2010-08-17 In Covenant Life

The Pilgrim MTA has now….embarked

Fabio, nuevo misioneroARGENTINA, Inés Petiti. A few days before the Assumption of the Mother of God, the Pilgrim MTA took Fabio Gastón Maydana, a youth from Goya, firmly by the hand, and made him her new missionary. But where will my Queen go? Will you embark to go through the seas?



Fabio tells us that he felt a call from the Mother of God a long time ago; he took a long while to reflect and to discover what She was asking of him. The Mother of God helped him to prepare his heart, and recently, he was consecrated as a missionary…to take her wherever She wants to go.

The Blessed Mother conquered Fabio’s heart, and with her power as a Queen, she asked him to take her to navigate the Argentinean seas. While he is at high sea, he will be sharing this heavenly company and the prayer of the holy rosary with the sailors who set sail.

He will look for her in the shrines…

Fabio, nuevo misioneroWhen he returns, he will travel to different places while he is on land. He will look for Her in the Shrines and in the areas, where his job as a sailor will allow him to be, and when he comes to Goya where his wife and his young son wait for him, he will take the Blessed Mother and her Son to visit the families and his friends.

Glorify yourself in this sailor who will take you where you want to go

Hey, my Blessed Mother, they trust you so much, glorify yourself in this sailor who will take you wherever you want to go, whose weapon of love unfurls in the holy rosary!

Now that you reign forever in eternal glory, participating in the power and the royal dignity of your Son, we greet you Mary…as the Pilgrim MTA, who has set sail!

Translation: Celina Garza, Melissa Janknegt, USA

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