Posted On 2015-05-29 In Covenant Life

Thirteen years of the Schoenstatt Shrine in Monterrey

MÉXICO, by Cristina Rosales •

On Sunday, 17 May, the eve of the actual day, the Monterrey, Mexico, Schoenstatt Family joyfully celebrated their 13th anniversary.

The weather forecast for that week predicted heavy rains throughout the week, including the weekend, but after great trust in the Mother of God, they experienced a spectacular weekend.

Being a part of this beautiful family and being a part of the history we are weaving day by day has been a before and after experience in my personal life, transforming me interiorly in ways I could not imagine. She is the Great Companion of my daily life. She is my Great Confidant, She is my Mother, my example and model of life that I want to conquer.

Close to 500 people gathered once again to remember this very important day in the life of many Schoenstatters from Monterrey; they enthusiastically welcomed the Metropolitan Auxiliary Shrine that accompanies them during every special celebration.


Memories of the beginnings

During the homily, Father Gonzalo recalled when they went up with ropes during the building of the road, and how she chose the place where she wanted to establish her Shrine in our city. These are memories he has been told, since he was here during that time, but in way, he experienced it with the community.

During the offertory, every Branch, Federation, and Institute made a special offering, as part of those thirteen years they have lived as a Family.

After the Eucharist, they shared a meal in as a very pleasant, sharing family.

XIII Aniv Santuario

Original: Spanish. Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA

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