Publicado el 2014-01-13 In Covenant Life

“Nations Will Be Drawn to Your Light” (Isaiah 60:3)

ROMA, Don Stefano Mueller.Epiphany, Magi, Solemnity of the manifestation of the Lord: not on foot, nor on a donkey or a horse, and not even on a camel but by car.  In this way, I went on pilgrimage from Belmonte to St. Peter’s, to the heart of the universal Church  “to adore the Lord.”  Half way down the road of the Janículo Hill, I looked for a parking space near the Villa Mater Dei, the house for the German Episcopal Conference near the Vatican.  I experienced the first powerful sign of the day:  armies of students from allover the world coming out of the Urbaniana and the colleges of the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Nations (Propaganda Fide) with their classic cassocks and red cingula heading toward St. Peter’s:  they are surely not from “ Parthia, Media and Elam, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia…”(Acts 2:9) but seminarians from Arabia, Africa, Asia and Oceania with a great variety of skin colors and mother tongues.  They go along with me and many other people to celebrate this great festivity and to “adore the Lord ” with Pope Francis.

Today I can concelebrate with more than one hundred priests, numerous bishops and cardinals, and carry in my heart and in my prayers the collaborators and visitors of and the entire International Schoenstatt Family in this Jubilee Year.

It is marvelous when I meet – while we don our vestments – priests from the United States and China who know our Movement, and I also finally see anew a Korean confrere who I had met in an Italian course in Perugia year before last.

Following a light, they were searching for the Light

Truthfully: “The Nations will be drawn to your light.” With this, the third powerful sign of this day is mentioned: after a period of continuous rain and low clouds, the light has prevailed. A magnificent luminous morning makes St. Peter’s shine within and without.

The “Book of Creation” speaks of God, NOW.

Pope Francis highlights in his homily the role of light in nature: “…following a light, they were searching for the Light. The star appearing in the sky kindled in their minds and in their hearts a light that moved them to seek the great Light of Christ. The Magi followed faithfully that light which filled their hearts, and they encountered the Lord.” (Pope Francis, homily on January 6, 2014)

And they proclaim the greatness of the Lord

The third sign is produced after the liturgy in St. Peter’s square: once again it is filled and all wait for Pope Francis to appear at his apartment’s window, on the third floor of the apostolic palace. All are waiting for the recitation of the Angelus. Those coming from the Holy Mass are not able to leave so quickly since the square is so full.

Also arriving are various fanfare groups, thrusters of banners and “magicians” on horseback representing the Three Kings from the Orient who bring to the Pope, and to us present, a serenade for the feast day “telling the good news of what the Lord has done” (Isaiah 60:6).




Originale: German.  Translation: Carlos Cantú, Schoenstatt Family Federation, La Feria, Texas USA 01122014

Video Holy Mass6. 1. 2014

Video Angelus 6. 1. 2014

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