Oktoberwoche 1999
Sr. Emilie Engel


Organ blessed
Pilgrim Church have got a new digital Organ

Hanno Scherhag, Koblenz, an der neuen digitalen Orgel in der Pilgerkirche in Schönstatt.
Regionaldekan Peter Bleeser, Koblenz, nimmt die Weihe der neuen Orgel vor.
In seiner Kurzpredigt ging Regionaldekan Bleeser besonders auf das Licht von Bethlehem ein, das er in einer Bergmannslaterne mitgebracht hatte. An diesem Licht wurde die Milleniums-Kerze und die erste Kerze des Adventskranzes entzündet.
Der Adventskranz in der Pilgerkirche wurde mit dem Licht von Bethlehem entzündet.

(mkf) On Sunday, Nov. 28, the new organ for the Pilgrim Church in Schoenstatt was blessed. The Light from Bethlehem was brought to the New Pilgrim Church on that occasion. About 200 persons participated on this chilly, sunny first advent Sunday.

At the beginning, Sr. M. Irmengild Schmitt greeted everyone who had come. Hanno Scherhag, Koblenz, gave some introductory comments on the new organ and then gave a short concert, giving the new organ a voice to praise the Triune God.

After that, a talk was given on the history of organs in Germany. One visitor shared: "It was pretty long specially for those who did not have a detailed knowledge on organs. But I liked the story he told about the flood in Koblenz some years ago and him taking a boat and driving into the St. Castor's Church to see whether the flood would harm the precious organ!"

Then, the new organ was solemnly blessed by Fr. Peter Bleeser, Koblenz, who also had brought the light of hope from Bethlehem for the Pilgrim church.

Light from Bethlehem

After an introductory praise of this light and its message of hope at the threshold of the new millennium, a huge candle dedicated to Christ was lit with the light from Bethlehem, as well as the first candle on the advent wreath. Mass closed with a solemn piece of music played on the organ.

Afterwards, everybody was invited for advent tea and cookies. During the weeks of advent, daily advent retreats, starting at 1:45pm, will take place in the Pilgrim Church with singing, praying, and an advent play performed by young women from Germany, India, the Philippines, and Czech Republic.

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