Logo: 50.Jubiläum 31.Mai 1999

31. Mai 1999
50. Jubiläum

31. Mai 1999: 700 Schönstätter aus mehr als 20 Ländern nahmen teil an der internationalen Feierstunde des 50. Jubiläum des 3. Meilensteines der Schönstattgeschichte. Die Gottesmutter Maria wurde zur Königin eines neuen Pfingsten gekrönt.
31. Mai 1999: Das Vaterauge für das Urheiligtum war auf dem Sarkophag in der Gründerkapelle, ebenso der Kelch, den Pater Kentenich bei seiner letzten heiligen Messe am 15. September 1968, unmittelbar vor seinem Sterben, benutzt hat.
31. Mai 1999: Der jüngste deutsche Teilnehmer, Daniel, mit seiner Mutter aus Paraguay. "Wenn wir das 100jährige Jubiläum feiern, kann er sagen, er war beim Goldenen dabei!".

May 31st in Schoenstatt

Schoenstatt Members from more than 25 Nations Gathering for International Anniversary Celebration in Schoenstatt

"We don't need to speak about May 31st anymore, we have experienced it this evening!" commented a Schoenstatt member after the celebration of the Covenant of Love with the Father and Founder in the Adoration Church at 6 pm (same time as in Santiago, Chile, 12 pm).

Already by 5:00 pm Schoenstatt members arrived in the Adoration Church to participate in the international celebration of the Golden Jubilee of May 31st, in Schoenstatt. Spiritually united to the thousands of Schoenstatt members and friends in Chile, Schoenstatt members from more than 25 nations were awaiting the Jubilee celebrations at the place of origin.

The flags, the flowers, the special decoration of the MTA picture in the Adoration Church made for a festive atmosphere. The Father Eye for the Original Shrine was placed in the Founder Chapel, together with the chalice which Fr. Kentenich used in his last holy Mass in on September 15, 1968.

Novices of the Ladies of Schoenstatt, dressed in their traditional African and Philippine feastday clothes, came with joyful anticipation to take part in their first international Schoenstatt celebration. A young lady from Paraguay, married to a German, brought her husband, mother, and 2 month old Daniel as youngest participant. "When we celebrate the centenary of May 31st, he will be so proud to know he was there for the Golden anniversary!" He was the youngest of a 'young' group of Schoenstatt people joyfully joining for the big moment for which many of them had prepared significant contributions: Schoenstatt Youth from Vallendar and nearby towns, from Mexico, USA, young Schoenstatt sisters from many nations, postulants and seminarians from the Schoenstatt Fathers, young families from the area. Also Schoenstatt members of the middle, older and oldest generation, over 700 people from the various communities, including some Pilgrim Shrine Coordinators, crowded into the Adoration Church - as 15 architect students from a school in Koblenz who were out for the afternoon doing drawings of the Father Kentenich House and the Adoration Church greeted them happily.


Schriftzug Bellavista 1999

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