31. Mai 1949 - 31. Mai 1999
50. Jubiläum des Dritten Meilensteines der Geschichte Schönstatts

31. Mai 1999: Das Gedenkjahrlied vom 100 Geburtstag Pater Kentenichs, der 1985 international gefeiert wurde, leitete über zur Krönung der Gottesmutter als Königin eines neuen Pfingsten.

Familia Patris - Cor unum in Patre

The Familia Patris song was sung in over 5 languages as a closing song. A man from the family branch played guitar and led the singing. "As a youth, I was in the choir of the Centennial celebration. When I sang this song, all these beautiful memories came back, and the longer I sang, the more joyful I did it," he said. The "Cor unum in Patre -Tua Res Agitur" was sung with joy. "It was like 1985, it really touched me to be 'back' in this joyful experience of our international Schoenstatt family." This song also introduced the crowning of Mary as Queen of the new Pentecost, as Queen of the mission of Schoenstatt. This was 'anticipated' in Schoenstatt, as due to the time difference of six hours, one could not have done it here at the same time as in Chile.

Schriftzug Bellavista 1999

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