31. Mai 1949 - 31. Mai 1999
50. Jubiläum des Dritten Meilensteines der Geschichte Schönstatts

31. Mai 1999: Höhepunkt der Jubiläumsfeier war das gemeinsame Versprechen an den Vater und Gründer, das Bündnis mit ihm.
31. Mai 1999: 700 Menschen ziehen in einer dichten Atmosphäre durch die Gründerkapelle
31. Mai 1999: Teilnehmer bei der Feierstunde in der Anbetungskirche.

The High Point of the Day: 700 people walking through the Founder Chapel

The high point of the day came when each person present was invited to make or renew their Covenant of Love with our Father and Founder, in a personal way as each could go personally into the Founder Chapel. It was consciously done this way. This is the only place in the world where we can have this kind of encounter with Father Kentenich, in his actual place of burial.

"When we now go to the Founder Chapel, we feel specially united with the Schoenstatt members by the Cenacle Shrine. In our hearts, we carry with us all those who shared Schoenstatt with us and those, whom we, in the covenant with Father Kentenich, led to Schoenstatt, and those, we will lead to Schoenstatt in the future. Also all those who we know want to be represented in this very hour at this holy place."

The atmosphere war reverent and deep. Father Kentenich was in the midst. From young to old, Asian to South American, from man to woman, all united around their father. While the silent procession of the 700 people moved though the church, we sang: "Father your name resounds in my heart". Sisters from Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina and Puerto Rico sang a South American song, music was played (Organ and flute), and while the last group walked towards the Founder Chapel, all joined in singing: "I know You are my Father"

A person said, "We are one family. It touched me most to walk behind a very old Schoenstatt sister and before an African Woman in this procession." Another person said, "I felt very close to my friends in Chile. It is unbelievable."

Schriftzug Bellavista 1999

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