31. Mai 1949 - 31. Mai 1999
50. Jubiläum des Dritten Meilensteines der Geschichte Schönstatts

31. Mai 1999: Pater Dr. Lothar Penners leitete die Feier, dazu lasen eine Frau von Schönstatt, ein Mann vom Familienverband und eine Marienschwester die Texte.
31. Mai 1999: Schw. M. Nilda (Puerto Rico) und Schwester Rosa Maria (Argentinien) sangen ein südamerikanisches Heilig-Geist-Lied.
31. Mai 1999: Indische Postulanten der Schönstatt-Patres sangen des Lob der Dreifaltigkeit in einer indischen Landessprache.

Joyful International Atmosphere

The celebration was the same as in Chile, with some additions regarding our special mission at the place of origin, with Father Penners (the main reader), and a Lady of Schoenstatt, a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary and a man from the Family Institute the other three readers. Father Penners greeted everybody to this special hour of unity and grace, pointing out that the text we were about to hear comes from the experience of a long journey in the covenant of love. Some would perhaps think - "If I ever had such a faith and trust in the Blessed Mother and God ..." Each one should feel absolutely free to join the celebration in the way he or she would be inspired by the Holy Spirit, in his or her very individual way. He also expressed his conviction that we would have the chance of experiencing a real hour of grace for Schoenstatt and the Church.

Br. Jakob read the paragraph from the Acts of the Apostels about the first Pentecost; while two novices of the Schoenstatt sisters, one from India and one from Germany, lit seven candles by the MTA picture. South American sisters sang a typical hymn of the Holy Spirit.

For the thanksgiving, the praise of the Holy Trinity from Heavenwards was sung in different tunes and languages. Three girls from the USA, assisted by two sisters (Puerto Rico, Ireland), sang: "All Creation Joyfully Sings". The Schoenstatt Fathers' postulants from India sang three verses in one of their Indian native languages. Then, everybody was invited to sing to the tune of "O Triune God".

Schriftzug Bellavista 1999

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