Sr. Emilie Engel


International Virtueller OW-Treff Programm

Father Symbol
erected in the Founder Chapel - 17th October 1999

17. Oktober 1999: Das Vatersymbol in der Gründerkapelle ist angebracht
17. Oktober 1999: Ehepaar Andre, Diözese Trier, trägt das Vatersymbol vom Altar der Anbetungskirche in die Gründerkapelle.
17. Oktober 1999: Pater Sidney Fones und Ehepaar Andre, Diözese Trier, sprechen die Texte und Gebete in der Gründerkapelle.
17. Oktober 1999: Auf dem Sarkophag Pater Kentenichs stehen Rosen, das Vatersymbol und Stöße von Erinnerungsfotos.
17. Oktober 1999: Endlos langer Zug durch die Gründerkapelle.
17. Oktober 1999: Die Fahne des Jubiläums von Bellavista ist von Familie Fries, Diözesanführerfamilie Trier, in die Gründerkapelle getragen worden. Sie zeugt vom inneren Zusammenhang der beiden Feiern und von der internationalen Einschaltung der weltweiten Schönstatt-Familie.
17. Oktober 1999: Pater Sidney Fones, stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Generalpräsidiums des internationalen Schönstattwerkes, bringt das Vatersymbol an.

(mkf) There is a moment of silence. Then the applause begins, quietly at first, then louder. The organ majestically begins: O, Triune God, receive eternal praises.... The Father Symbol for the Founder Chapel is now the Father Symbol in the Founder Chapel.

The international Schoenstatt Family represented by the more than 1,000 persons present in the Adoration Church, erected the Father Symbol in the Founder Chapel. They expressed their gratitude for Fr. Kentenich, their Father who is present among us. The Father Symbol expresses what those who have come in contact with Schoenstatt have experience - a merciful, loving Father. The Father Symbol is a promise of the Schoenstatt Family to bring the mission of Fr. Kentenich into the new millennium.

The Adoration Church was completely full even before the celebration officially began at 8 pm. An atmosphere of being an international family was created with practicing songs for the celebration - one of which was a German translation of a song from Argentina using the words expressing passing on our Prophets mission and learning the Holy Spirit song from Chile Veni, Sancti Spiritus. Fr. Sidney Fons led the celebration - a gift of divine providence that a Schoenstatt Father from Chile could erect the Father Symbol in the Founder Chapel. The international aspect of Schoenstatt built a bridge from Chile - May 31st with the Covenant with our Father and Founder to the celebration taking place tonight. Members of the General Presidium were present in the Founder Chapel during the celebration. Also, two couples from the Family League in the Trier Diocese were also present in the Founder Chapel. Trier Schoenstatt Family donated the Father Symbol and began striving with this symbol before the idea came to erect it in the Founder Chapel. The Father Symbol was placed on the sarcophagus and the large red rose flower bouquet given to our Father and Founder the day before. The Jubilee Banner from Bellavista was carried into the Founder Chapel by one couple from the Trier Diocese.

Gathered around our Father as his family

The Covenant with our Father and Founder that took place reminds us of the moment of grace when the founding generation of boys united with the Covenant act of October 18, 1914. This Covenant shows that we of the present generation are ready to go with our Father and Founder and be his Covenant partners for the new millennium.

The celebration clarified the importance of the erection of the Father Symbol in the Founder Chapel. It stands for the message Jesus has in proclaiming the Father - the same message Fr. Kentenich had in his life. The Father Symbol symbolically represents the mission of our Founder. All listened to Fr. Kentenich's words by tape recording - about what he said at the erection of a Father Symbol on December 24, 1966 in the Mariengarten Shrine on Berg Schoenstatt.

The Holy Spirit song - well known from Chile - was sung to call the Holy Spirit into our midst. The text of the Holy Spirit Sequence was translated into verses fitting to our mission as Schoenstatt family.

Using the same text from the celebration of May 31, 1999 - the covenant with our Father and Prophet was renewed. As main celebrant, Fr. Sidney Fons asked the Schoenstatt Family: "Our Father and Prophet asks: Do you go with me?" "Yes Father, we go with you... Father, your mission is our mission."

Endless procession to the Founder Chapel

Everyone was invited to personally go to the Founder Chapel. "This endless procession to the Founder Chapel kept going on, one person after the other. There was no break. It was self-understood that everyone went. I was waiting for my turn. At the same time I enjoyed seeing the others go in ahead of me. Then I thought, that's it. The whole Schoenstatt Family goes to their father. There were so many people from other countries (Switzerland, Scotland, England, Austria, Australia, India, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Sierra Leone, Burundi, France, Puerto Rico, Kongo, Czech Republic, Poland, etc.) This going to the Father should never end." The whole time this young woman spoke, she gazed upon the picture of Fr. Kentenich that she had chosen as her own in the Founder Chapel. Each person could chose a photo - different photos from Fr. Kentenich. Many chose one that just fit for them - Fr. Kentenich with a boy with a hat, Fr. Kentenich by Lake Michigan, Fr. Kentenich with a rose, etc.

Songs sung by the girls' youth were sung during the procession. "Father and I are One" was even sung in English.

When everyone had returned to their places, Fr. Sidney took the Father Symbol in his hands and prayed: "Spiritually we place this Father Symbol into the hands of our Father and Founder asking him to offer it to our Mother and Queen and through her to the Triune God as a sign of gratitude for this Jubilee year of the 3rd Milestone. After a moment of silence, Fr. Sidney climbed up the ladder and placed the Father Symbol on the wall above the cross in the Founder Chapel. Afterwards, many Schoenstatters streamed to the Founder Chapel.

Four of the Women's League members made a pilgrimage that very night to the Original Shrine to thank our Mother and Queen for this great celebration. What more fitting place!

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