Weltweites Bündnis der Liebe 1999
Worldwide Covenant of Love

Receive Eternal Praises!

Motto for the Jubilee 2000 - for the German Schoenstatt Family:

Den Abschluss der Oktoberwoche feierten die über 1000 Delegierten der deutschen Schönstatt-Bewegung in der neuen Pilgerkirche.
Pater Tilmann Beller, Bewegungsleiter der deutschen Schönstatt-Bewegung , interpretierte in seinem Schlußvortrag die neue Jahreslosung für die Arbeit im kommenden Jahr.

The October week closing took place in the new Pilgrim Church in the valley. Fr. Beller proclaimed the new motto: "Receive eternal praises!" a quote from Heavenwards. As Schoenstatt Family, we can go into the new millennium rejoicing in all the gifts we have received - giving praise to the Triune God! At 10:45 am the closing Holy Mass took place in the Pilgrim Church. The Family Federation groups prepared the Holy Mass and a choir from the men belonging to the Family work sang. The closing song rang out so fittingly: "O Triune God, receive eternal praises!"

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 19.10.99, 22:20
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