Weltweites Bündnis der Liebe 1999
Worldwide Covenant of Love

Bellavista '99: Impressions - Consideration - Motivation

16. Oktober 1999: Talk Fr. Ludwig Güthlein

Oktoberwoche 16.10.99: Pater Kentenich ist präsent
Referent: Pater Ludwig Güthlein nach dem 2. Vortrag
Pater Güthlein läßt sich gerne von "seiner Hausmacht" (Schönstatt Mannesjugend) musikalisch unterstützen.

(mkf) A dynamic multimedia presentation using pictures and video brought the experience of Chile - May 321st 1999 "live"! We once again could place ourselves before the shrine in Bellavista and celebrate our Prophet and our Cenacle Queen as International Schoenstatt Family. Fr. Güthlein introduced one of the Schoenstatt Boys`Youth from Eichstatt to share his impression from the Chile experience. "Schoenstatt for me is not only Germany. Schoenstatt is world wide!"

The experience of May 31st was then reflected on. If you were asked what Schoenstatt means - what would you answer: "Schoenstatt is a movement of renewal from the last century." replied one boy. Is that what Schoenstatt is? Something from the past. Or does Schoenstatt have a future. The experience of Schoenstatt in another culture in other countries was an eye opening experience that Schoenstatt does have a future - with our Prophet for the next millennium.

The difficulties of our modern time have answers in Schoenstatt through our Prophet. He saw that already in 1949 and even before. The answers aren`t just in books but in life. This was experienced in Chile with the festivities, the oversize pilgrim shrine brought in with dancers and songs, with the welcome and care by the 600 Chilean Schoenstatters who served as welcomers and meal servers and this was their contribution to May 31st lived!

Maybe there is something to learn from this experience. The impression from the Schoenstatt family in Chile was that they make what they learn about Schoenstatt come alive. They have the possibility to share ideas and some of these ideas become concrete projects to help others. There are schools, technical colleges, projects you can give donations for with the bank number for giving donations on the local newspaper.

The Schoenstatt Boys`Youth sang before the second part of the talk with great pride and enthusiasm. In the second part of the talk, Fr. Güthlein spoke about five points that could be considered from the experience of May 31st:

  • Unity in the Atmosphere
  • Climate to promote Initiative
  • Potential of life (shared experience)
  • Authentic Marian Devotion
  • A Prophet needs "Allies"

Through the Schoenstatt experience of Chile, the example of an atmosphere of joy and hope promotes living out of our Covenant in concrete ways. There is an openness to try to show our love for Schoenstatt in action. If we don`t love it - like Boris Becker said of the US Open - then leave it. We won't win it if we don't love it. There are potentials to touch the people of our modern life. In Paraguay, the Schoenstatt families from the beginning of the movement 40 years ago passed on their prized MTA picture to a young couple to show - the mission goes on into the future. Our youth and the next generation has potential to take up what our Founder has given and to make it their own for our time. An authentic Marian Devotion is vital to the future of Schoenstatt because of our Founder and Father`s great love for Our Lady - not just "sweetness" but in keeping with the needs of our modern people for a model of being centered on God and his will.

Our Founder needs allies to help spread the victory march of our MTA. Will Schoenstatt be "The movement of renewal of the last century". Or will Schoenstatt have a mission for the next millennium and beyond.

May 31st: not a celebration but a program

To make this become a reality, he pointed at the experience and acceptance and helplessness and limitation not as a problem or excuse, but as a prerequisite for fulfilling the mission of May 31st. to get rid of thinking we need to be perfect, to do everything on our won, etc., but to experience jhelplessness as a starting point for God to work his miracles.

Mission zeal roots in the potential of personal experience; therefore, we want to saks ourselves: What is the message of my life? For what am I set on fire?

The Men's Youth has a practical application of making May 31st a program. By the end of the year, they want to place a document on the altar of the shrine - like Fr. Kentenich placed his letter on the altar - with the five main points of their Schoenstatt message.

Not a celebration but a program: May the Queen of the New Pentecost also be the Queen of the very next step.

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.10.99, 00:12
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