Weltweites Bündnis der Liebe 1999
Worldwide Covenant of Love


A Great Father Symbol
"Bring Father's Mission into the New Millenium"

Diese Statue von Pater Kentenich wurde am 15. September beim Internationalen Schoenstatt-Center in Waukesha/Milwaukee aufgestellt.
Feierstunde am 15. September in Waukesha/Milwaukee.
Fototermin der Teilnehmer am Heiligtum.

The Schoenstatt Family by the International Schoenstatt-Center, Waukesha/Milwaukee, unites around a special "Father Symbol": "Our great Father Symbol right now is our Father Statue here at the Center!"

On September 15, 1998, this statue of Father Kentenich arrived, and since then many Schoenstatt persons had personal encounters related to this statue - encounters helping towards a deeper relationship to the Founder.

"I had been acquainted with the Schoenstatt Movement in a very limited way for a period of approximately 10 - 15 years. During that time I loved the Shrine, the sisters, the whole atmsophere of Schoenstatt but could never warm up to its Founder, Father J. Kentenich. I think in particular it was his beard. I remember waiting in line for lunch on December 8th, at the ladies Day of Reflection and looking at all the pictures of him and really wishin I could develop some sort of attraction for the Founder of this movement I had fallen in love with. Finally after the Christmas Party I had a chance to got see the new statue at the Schoenstatt Center in Waukesah. I was amazed at how large his hands were. I remember I hugged him and prayed but don't know exactly what about. At any rate the beard is no longer a problem! I see his beautiful eyes and smile. I need to add that after the Day of Reflection I began reading the words of our Founder in the book entitled 'God My Father" and can't get enough. I am also reading the biography. I have a million questions about the Movement of which are being answered as I read ..."

The Leaders Convention (October 8 -10) was about preparing for the Holy Year and new Millenium and bringing Father Kentenich's mission into the new era. Each area worked out its own motto and then at the convention the leaders looked at all of them and worked out an "umbrella statement" which included all of them. The Umbrella Statement is:


October 17: Local Covenant Celebrations

On this sunday, October celebrations will take place at the Schoenstatt Shrines. Approximately 300 persons are expected at the International Schoenstatt Center. This day will be marked by a celebration of gratitude for the "Pioneer Sisters", the first Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary who came to the United States 50 years ago, on November 3, 1949. The Schoenstatt Movement prepared thank you songs for them and want to express their gratitude.

Some parts of the celebration in the Founder Chapel in Schoenstatt will be included in the Benediction for sunday's local October celebrations.

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 16.10.99, 22:34
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