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Argentinean Girls’ Youth Camp in Salta
Nachrichten - News - Noticias
 published: 2009-02-12

A New Generation Arising in Schoenstatt Wants to Become the Generation of the Father

Argentinean Girls’ Youth Camp in Salta


Die gesamte “Generation des Vaters” vor einer Pfarrkirche in der Nähe des Exerzitienhauses, gegründet im Jahr 1914. Zufall? Oder eher Vorsehung?

La postal entera de todas las que somos parte de la Generación del Padre, en una parroquia cercana a la casa de retiro  fundada en el año 1914 ¿Casualidad? Creo que e "l Padre nos diría "CAUSALIDAD".

The entire „Generation of the Father“ at a parish church close to the retreat house, founded in 1914. Coincidence? Or Providence ?

Die gesamte “Generation des Vaters” vor einer Pfarrkirche in der Nähe des Exerzitienhauses, gegründet im Jahr 1914. Zufall? Oder eher Vorsehung?


Vaterzimmer: Hier konnten die Jugendlichen Pater Kentenich tiefer begegnen. Jeden Tag gab es eine Botschaft für sie im „Telefon“.

Habitación del Padre Kentenich, allí las chicas podían tener un contacto más profundo con el Padre Fundador, todos los días tenía algo para decirnos a traves de su telefono.

Father Room: Here, the girls could get into a closer contact with Fr. Kentenich. Each day he had a message for them in the “telephone”

Vaterzimmer: Hier konnten die Jugendlichen Pater Kentenich tiefer begegnen. Jeden Tag gab es eine Botschaft für sie im „Telefon“.

Die Marienschwestern mit den Postulantinnen für den Kurs 2010, Cata Bellomo und Sofia Danna.  

Las Hermanas de María con Cata Bellomo y Sofía Danna, postulantes para el curso 2010

The Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary with the postulants for the 2010 course, Cata Bellomo and Sofia Danna.

Die Marienschwestern mit den Postulantinnen für den Kurs 2010, Cata Bellomo und Sofia Danna.

“Heiligkeit ist in Mode”: Laufsteg für die neuesten Modelle der Heiligkeit!  

"La Santidad esta de moda" con este lema desfilaron chicas disfrazadas de santos, dignos de ser modelos para la juventud.

“Holyness is in”. Catwalk of saints...

“Heiligkeit ist in Mode”: Laufsteg für die neuesten Modelle der Heiligkeit!

Romina Manzione, eine der Leiterinnen: einfach happy!  

Romina Manzione,una de las encargadas del campamento expresa su felicidad al disfrutar del paisaje imponente de Salta.

Romina Manzione, one of the leaders of the camp: just happy

Romina Manzione, eine der Leiterinnen: einfach happy!

Wallfahrt durch die Stadt Salta mit der Statue der “Gottesmutter der Wunder”  

Peregrinación por la ciudad de Salta hacia a la Catedral de la Virgen del MIlagro, con las dos imágenes que nos acompañaron en todo el campamento

Pilgrimage through the city of Salta with Our Lady of Miracles

Wallfahrt durch die Stadt Salta mit der Statue der “Gottesmutter der Wunder”

Aufmerksame Zuhörerinnen hatte Pater Chifri, als er über die Mission in dieser Gegend sprach

La Juventud Femenina escucha atentamente al  Padre Chifri sobre su  misión en la región.

Listening to Fr. Chifri talking about his mission in this area

Aufmerksame Zuhörerinnen hatte Pater Chifri, als er über die Mission in dieser Gegend sprach

Fotos: Jorgelina Jordá © 2009




ARGENTINA, Jorgelina Jordá. Anyone who loves the Girls’ Youth would agree that January was an unforgettable month. From 24 to 31 January, members of the Girls’ Youth were able to experience 8 days in Salta Province, Argentina (nicknamed Salta the Pretty) which was a time of grace, reunion and joy. 123 girls from Argentina, 23 from Paraguay and 3 three from Germany participated in the national camp which had as its theme "Generation of the Father, Mary’s Living Miracles"

There was a big surprise during the opening Mass, celebrated at the Salta Shrine, when the announcement was made that two new vocations will form part of the next course for the Sisters of Mary: Sofía D´Anna (San Juan) and Catalina Bellomo (San Isidro).

Becoming the Third Miracle of the Holy Night

One of the gifts of the camp was the mystery of faith for which Salta is known. As a result of this mystery, the Lord of the Miracle and the Virgin of the Miracle are present at all celebrations. They are, without a doubt, sources of life for the people of Salta and have proven their loyal service since 1692 when the earthquakes common to the region ceased. This is precisely what the girls experienced – an earthquake of graces! It made them realize that each one can become a living miracle, a personified capital of grace for the canonization of Father Kentenich. Our father was at the centre of the camp during which the idea developed to offer him 100 daughterly covenants of love for the 100 years of his priestly ordination. These experiences made us aware that father invites us to know him deeply, to love him deeply and to take up his mission.

The retreat house looked like a garden of lilies, each with its own originality and the characteristic colours of her region or her country. They included the Breaking Dawns (high school girls between 15 and 17 years) led by Sr. M Constanza and Sr. M. Carolina and the University Group directed by Sr. Maria Luz and Sr. M. Sabrina. Fr. Jorge González, the National Girls’ Youth director accompanied them during the sessions, the sacrament of reconciliation and the celebration of Holy Masses.

A life of Testimony

A camp in which each girl had an angel write her letters and pray for her without being identified could not possibly be boring.

The educational workshop dealt with issues such as the value of women’s sanctity, the way in which freedom and service can be conquered, authority, etc and this made the camp very interesting

Going to sleep was difficult when each evening ended with a campfire, a play, a "real fashion parade," evening games, adoration or a serenade to the Blessed Mother.

Meal times and free time were ideal for getting to know other members of the Girls’ Youth and share experiences within the respective branches.

The outings not only gave us the opportunity to meet God in nature but we also received a living witness of holiness when we visited the Father Sigfrido Moroder Foundation nestled in the Andes in the Salta region. Once there, we visited a spiritual centre called "El Alfarcito," aimed at stimulating development among the mountain people in the Rosario de Lerma district.

When one of the girls discovers treasure at the national camps, she falls in love with this God-given space. It doesn’t matter how far away we are during the year (some girls travelled more than 2000km), the Blessed Mother calls each one of us to foster friendships with girls who share the same ideal as us. This time is necessary to evaluate the previous year at personal and branch level and recharge our batteries for the new year, take up new projects and live our mission as Daughters of the Father, Builders of the Kingdom on a daily basis.

Fruits of the Camp

We brought the camp to a close and demonstrated that it had built the foundations for a new generation arising in Schoenstatt, by offering our committed prayers in February so that the canonization process may leave diocese of Trier and move forward as Fr. Angel Strada told us.

We united with great longing in our hearts on 3 February to accompany the International 2014 Conference spiritually. The Girls’ Youth in Tucumán prepared a beautiful presentation at the shrine inviting the girls who could not attend the camp by showing them videos about Father Kentenich. They then used the opportunity to pray and unite spiritually with the entire generation of the father in praying for the ability to discern what the Blessed Mother and her Son wish for 2014.

Translation: Sarah-Leah Pimentel, South Africa



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