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Blessings for All through the Home and Car Shrines
Nachrichten - News - Noticias
 published: 2008-11-11

A Change of Paradigm

The creativity of love: Blessings for All through the Home and Car Shrines


Nachwirkungen des 18. Oktober in Tuparenda: Ungeahnte Synergieeffekte ergeben sich aus dem Zusammenwirken einer gut durchorganisierten, jungen Bewegung, die vor apostolischen Initiativen strotzt, und einem Tag, der überschwemmt wird von Pilgern, die mehr "sehen" als die Elite. Es sind Augen, die die Gottesmutter und den Vater und Gründer sehen

Las repercusiones del 18 de octubre en Tuparenda: Hay una interacción notable entre un movimiento organizado joven, deseoso de protagonismo apostólico, y un evento desbordante de peregrinos que "ven" más que la elite.

Repercussion of October 18 in Tuparenda: There is a notable interaction between a young, apostolically motivated Movement and an event “overflowing” with pilgrims who see more than the elite does. Their eyes “see” the MTA, see Father…

Nachwirkungen des 18. Oktober in Tuparenda: Ungeahnte Synergieeffekte ergeben sich aus dem Zusammenwirken einer gut durchorganisierten, jungen Bewegung, die vor apostolischen Initiativen strotzt, und einem Tag, der überschwemmt wird von Pilgern, die mehr "sehen" als die Elite. Es sind Augen, die die Gottesmutter und den Vater und Gründer sehen


2. November: gemeinschaftliche Hausheiligtumgssegnung

2 de noviembre: bendición comunitaria de Santuarios del Hogar

November 2: common blessing of Home Shrines

2. November: gemeinschaftliche Hausheiligtumgssegnung

Alle Gegenstände des zukünftigen Hausheiligtums sind da  

Todos los elementos del Santuario del Hogar presentes

All the home shrine elements are present

Alle Gegenstände des zukünftigen Hausheiligtums sind da





Überreichung im Hausheiligtum  

Entrega en el Santuario

Presentation in the Shrine

Überreichung im Hausheiligtum

Für immer bei mir...  

Conmigo para siempre...

For ever with me...

Für immer bei mir...


PARAGUAY, Fr. Antonio Cosp. On 2 November we held yet another community blessing for the Home Shrines. As a creative response to the needs arising from daily life, car shrines were also blessed again. This is how everything that is organic in Schoenstatt is born.

The proverb tells us that "necessity is the mother of all invention." This was how the community blessing of the home shrines began some five years ago. The people of Latin America have a need for personal contact and community celebration and the blessing of a Home Shrine in the presence of a priest or at the very least a permanent deacon is always a perfect occasion to bring people together. The participation of a life course, friends, family and even neighbours has developed over a number of years and appears to have become irreplaceable. But with some 150 new married couples joining each year, this has become more and more difficult.

Simultaneously, a change of paradigm began to take place: Mother makes her place in our homes only if we ask her to do this as a couple and as the fruit of our relationship and our mutual commitment to love. The expression "Schoenstatt corner" began to give way to something more direct and clear - "our Shrine." Pilgrimages to the Shrine also began to take on a similar characteristic, that is, to celebrate the Covenant of Love and hold a community blessing on the dates especially set aside for this.

A Powerful Moment for Family Life

"Necessity is the mother of all invention." This was scandalous for the older Schoenstatters. But slowly, the branches began to go in this direction by instituting change among those who already knew the movement. The first and most important step takes place at the Shrine or wayside shrine. After returning home, the symbols are placed in the chosen spot and blessed with holy water. Finally, if possible, the parish priest is invited to bless the house and pray at the Home Shrine.

The main ceremony takes place in the space in front of the Shrine in Tupãrenda. The most touching moment comes at the end when, upon entering the Shrine, all the fathers receive a priestly blessing and then bless their own children. With tears in his eyes, one of them thanked me for such a powerful moment in which he felt as at home in the Shrine as in his own home and will take this feeling back into his own home. Immediately after the blessing, Luis Cateura from the Home Shrine Apostolate said "it is truly wonderful to participate in these blessings and become Mother’s instrument so that more couples are able to consecrate their Home Shrines. In this way, she allows us to experience the graces of the Shrine more closely."

A New Apostolate: the car

During a presentation on the movement in Paragay, someone who is familiar with Schoenstatt spoke up and expressed his skepticism at the blessing of cars as shrines. "Where will all this end?" he asked.

In Paraguay, children whose parents belong to the Family Institute took the initiative. They came up with the idea because they spend a lot of time in the car. Sometimes they say their prayers on their way to school but at other times, their boredom leads to a fight. And so, they organised a ritual and launched this new apostolic activity in Tupãrenda and later at the Youth Shrine. They clearly explained that this was not an ordinary blessing for cars, but to ask Mary that she makes herself present in the same way as she is present in the Home Shrine.

It is a moving shrine. It is a place to pray, listen to Catholic radio and to offer something for the Capital of Grace by being a friendly driver, both towards other motorists and those that are travelling in the same car-shrine. Respecting the rules of the road is not such an easy duty to carry out under these circumstances. Our little Consecration and some other prayers are offered up in the car.

As the children explain all of this, they tell us that the blessing includes a short conversation with the priest, the blessing of the car keys and the ceremony comes to an end by blessing the inside of the car with holy water. A sticker, especially chosen for this moment, is placed on the car, holy water is sprinkled over the car and Our Lady is asked to make her home in the car.

"How often in history has humanity’s small ones been the start of something big."

Echoes of 18 October

This 18th was the perfect celebration. The media reports made it a national event. As a result, many pilgrims arrive daily, something that has never happened before.

One of the three vice-ministers for education wrote to us congratulating our work aimed at family life and encouraged us to continue with our apostolate.

There was remarkable interaction between the organised youth group desiring to take on apostolic projects and an overwhelming event aimed pilgrims who "see" more than the elite. They are they eyes that see our Mother and our Father and Founder.

For the second consecutive year, our Father and Founder conquered the hearts of those who headed towards the little forest, which has been dedicated to him and put their hands into his. "Today I offer you my heart as does a child, so that you may teach me to become a new person as Jesus taught us in his gospel."

The 18 October phenomenon has many protagonists, but the Rosary Campaign should not be forgotten. However, the weight of the organised movement far outweighs these.

It is hoped that the echoes of 18 October, on which some 46 000 pilgrims arrived, will lead to more community Home Shrine blessings, more Covenants of Love, more hearts burning for Schoenstatt…and a greater creativity of love.

Translation: Sarah-Leah Pimentel, Johannesburg, South Africa

Die weiteren Auswirkungen eines 18. Oktober mit 46.000 Pilgern nur an diesem Tag, wird man bald sehen...

Las próximas repercusiones de un 18 de octubre con unos 46.000 peregrinos sólo en este día se ven, pronto...

The future repercussions of an 18th of October with some 46,000 pilgrims just this day, will soon be seen...

Die weiteren Auswirkungen eines 18. Oktober mit 46.000 Pilgern nur an diesem Tag, wird man bald sehen...

Fotos: Estela Franco/ Luis Cateura © 2008



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Last Update: 25.11.2008