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Tenth Bioethics Conference in Light of the 40th Anniversary of Paul VI’s Enciclical, Humanae Vitae
Nachrichten - News - Noticias
 published: 2008-06-20

Defending Life By Means of Respect and Love

Tenth Bioethics Conference in Light of the 40th Anniversary of Paul VI’s Enciclical, Humanae Vitae


Bioethik-Tagung am 14. Juni: Renate und Dr. Norbert Martin bei der Vorstellung ihres Buchs zur Natürlichen Empfängnisregelung (Übesetzerin: Sr. Elizabet Parodi)

Jornada Bioética, 14 de junio: Norbert y Renate Martin, en el momento de la presentación de su libro: “Construyendo el nosotros, Regulación natural de la fertilidad” (Traductora: Hna. Elizabet Parodi)

Conference on Bioethics, June 14: Norbert and Renate Martin presenting their bood (Interpreter: Sr Elizabet Parodi)

Bioethik-Tagung am 14. Juni: Renate und Dr. Norbert Martin bei der Vorstellung ihres Buchs zur Natürlichen Empfängnisregelung (Übesetzerin: Sr. Elizabet Parodi)


Junge Frauen aus der Mädchenjugend helfen bei der Rezeption

Chicas de la Juventud Femenina con sus boinas rojas ayudando en la recepción

Young women of the Girls’ Youth helping at the reception

Junge Frauen aus der Mädchenjugend helfen bei der Rezeption

Bei der Eröffnung der Tagung  

Audiencia en el momento de la oración inicial

The audience at the opening of the conference

Bei der Eröffnung der Tagung

Bischof Stöckler, Diözese Quilmes, eröffnet die Tagung  

Inicio de la Jornada a cargo de Monseñor Stóckler, Obispo de la Diócesis de Quilmas

Bishop Stöckler of Quilmes opening the Conference

Bischof Stöckler, Diözese Quilmes, eröffnet die Tagung

Erzbischof Elio Sgreccia, Präsident der Päpstlichen Akademie für das Leben  

Monseñor Elio Sgreccia, Presidente de la Pontificia Academia para la Vida

Archbishop Elio Sgreccia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life

Erzbischof Elio Sgreccia, Präsident der Päpstlichen Akademie für das Leben

Dr. Luis Jensen, Gynäkologe, Mitglied der Generalleitung des Instituts der Schönstattfamilien  

Dr. Luis Jensen, Ginecólogo, miembro del Consejo General del Intituto de familias de Schoenstatt

Dr.  Luis Jensen, member of the General Council of the Institute of Schoenstatt families

Dr. Luis Jensen, Gynäkologe, Mitglied der Generalleitung des Instituts der Schönstattfamilien

Heilige Messe in der Gott-Vater-Kirche; Erzbischof Sgreccio mit Pater Guillermo Mario Cassone

Santa Misa en la Iglesia de Dios Padre, Monseñor Elio Sgreccia acompañado por el Padre Guillermo Mario Cassone

Holy Mass; Archbishop Sgreccio with Father Guillermo Mario Cassone

Heilige Messe in der Gott-Vater-Kirche; Erzbischof Sgreccio mit Pater Guillermo Mario Cassone

Fotos: Jornada Bioética © 2008




ARGENTINA, María Silvina Rocca. The Tenth Bioethics Conference took place on June 14th in New Schoenstatt, Florencio Varela, Argentina. It was organized by the Father Joseph Kentenich Commission on Bioethics sponsored by the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary Secular Institute. Its topic was "Bioethical questions regarding married love."

Bishop Luis Stockler, Bishop of Quilmes, opened the Conference with a prayer. Sr. Elisa Monachessi, Provincial Superior of the Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary, welcomed the almost 400 participants, not counting those who followed the Conference by internet and radio from the Bishopric of Buenos Aires.

Renate and Norbert Martin, leaders of the Apostolic Schoenstatt Family Federation, presented their book BUILDING "WE," REGULATION OF NATURAL FERTILITY.

The morning presenters were:

Bishop Elio Sgreccia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life. He highlighted the authentic meaning of the Enciclical HUMANAE VITAE and explained the cultural context in which it was promulgated. He emphasized totality, exclusivity, fidelity and fruitfulness as characteristics of conjugal love. He pointed out how at times married love appears unattached from benevolent love and falls into the net of a secular life form which is trapped by the search for pleasure and the unlimited consumerism which is proposed by today’s culture;

Dr. Luis Jensen, member of the General Council of the Schoenstatt Family Institute, expounded on the structure and anthropological - psychological dynamics of sexed corporeity in its full personalization.

To fulfill and to protect married love

In this Conference, the participants had the opportunity to reflect on the values of married life and its corresponding responsibilities to articulate an integral vision of the physiological and psychological aspects of marriage in the light of anthropology and the ethics of love. With this aim, in the afternoon, Dr. Eduardo Castelnovo expounded on the medical contraindications of contraceptives while Dr. Walter Fernández Medina explained the clinical benefits of natural regulation; both topics are hardly made known in general. Dr. Zelmira Bottini de Rey evaluated critically public politics on the subject and presented educational options in favor of respect for the unity between intimacy and fecundity. José and Vicky de Vedia from the Couple to Couple League and members of the Schoenstatt Family Federation, gave their testimony regarding chastity in marriage as a virtue which fulfills and protects married love. Bishop Maurizio Calípari emphasized the reality of marriage in the context of natural law from which a universal and objective morality comes forth. In conclusion, Dr. Sr. Elena Lugo demonstrated how married love and virginal love represent complementary modalities so the person may be fulfilled, reach perfection and sanctify himself/herself. In this way, Dr. Sr. Lugo recapitulated her initial words on the natural reality of marriage constituted by the three pillars: person, love and life.

The coordinators for the conference were Dr. Hernán Schulz and his wife, Marina Alcetegaray de Schulz. They are an instructor couple of natural family planning and members of the Argentinean Couple to Couple League. The organization of the Conference was under the leadership of Sr. M. Virginia Perera, as it has been in the past.

Since it is now a tradition, the Conference was held in the shadow of the National Schoenstatt Shrine. From there, the Most Blessed Virgin accompanied us as Mother and Educator, as guardian of the Culture of Life.

Testimonies from the Tenth Bioethics Conference

Santiago (James):
"By the grace of God, I participated in the Tenth Bioethics Conference in Florencio Varela last Saturday. For a long time now, in my personal prayer life, I have felt the invitation from Jesus to be formed in Catholic Bioethics. Although I did not know the way to follow Him – within Bioethics – I trusted in Him. He would show me the way at the right time. I firmly believe that Bioethics can help and can contribute in a very special way to intellectual and spiritual formation, both areas which have become so secular. I am very grateful for having attended this Conference. I do not know Sr. Elena, but I am grateful for her presentation and teaching. I am also grateful to all of the presenters. I would love to form a group of reporters who would specialize in bioethics."

Lucía (Lucy):
"This Conference opened my mind and gave me the necessary responses to all of my doubts. I totally agree with Bishop Elio Sgreccia that the family should be the first vital cell where love, solidarity, tenderness, and unselfish love should reign, and especially where an atmosphere of JOY should be experienced in the family. I thought it charming when Bishop Elio Sgreccia said that joy is more important than the lack of petroleum. With joy we have our own fuel which is vital for life. I loved the Conference. It was very pleasant and interesting."

"I totally agree with Sr. Elena Lugo that in order for a lack of tenderness not to exist, we should not enter into a loving relationship of "I give to you if you give to me"…..I thought this part of her presentation was brilliant."

Translation: Carlos Cantú Family Federation La Feria, Texas USA 062408



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