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Faith amidst daily living – daily living amidst faith.
Reflexion - Reflection - Reflexión
 published: 2007-12-07

My Time Is My Time

Faith amidst daily living – daily living amidst faith.


Cada día es mi día...

Each day is my day...

Jeder Tag ist mein Tag…


El tiempo es mi tiempo...

This time is my time...

Die Zeit ist meine Zeit…

Fotos: StockXchnge © 2007

Hildegard Fischer

This business about time is very complex. I know very well that each day has 24 hours. I also know, more or less, how many things I can do in 24 hours…..nevertheless, I always attempt anew to do in 24 hours what I would normally do in 26. When it is not I who attempts to do this, it will be my boss or my fellow-employees or simply it is the rhythm of my days with the complexity of my job as a home educator. They will give me additional tasks right in the middle of a completely normal day and demand at times simply that which is impossible.

I plan the work for each day. I have an ordered agenda where I have listed all of my commitments and tasks for the day, and, of course, I also have monthly and yearly plans.

Nevertheless, it is normal that at least once a day I suddenly find myself amidst a true chaos. For example, one of the children gets sick and I have to see that he goes to the doctor and at the same time secure that the other children do not stay alone. What is most probable at work is that five minutes before going home, the phone rings and I now have a sudden and urgent task which will take me another hour to complete or maybe one of the boys comes to the table with a big problem…..something very normal in daily life!

I enjoy my profession and all the challenges it entails, and I clearly understand that I am not the only who has stress or lacks time to complete all the tasks which come up. All professions have stress and in some way this is reflected in our private life…..including when we are on vacation or on days-off.

"To travel in the fast lane" is something which has become very common for many people. They have so greatly adapted to this fast pace that they cannot live unless they are in a hurry. They burst through life without taking the foot off of the accelerator and risk being out of the race due to "a burned up motor."

In my way at looking at things, the ideal way to change this situation is by taking the supernatural path. God gives me time and also stress with my time; He gives me greater demands but also gives me the strength and the possibility to manage that situation. But, it does not all end there. This is just the take-off point for the practical and natural possibilities of still having time available during the framework of the 24-hour day. In order for this to not stay as a simple resolution, for a good while now, I have included in my spiritual schedule a practical and also a religious means for managing my time.

Something very normal

I have had to become accustomed to securing, by means of my spiritual schedule, those things which have to do with the normal use of my time and my strength, like sleeping sufficiently, making time for recreation and relaxation.

Each day is my day

It is especially important for me that each workday is really my day. I know myself and I know that I have to begin each day with tranquility. Every morning I need time for my coffee and my morning prayer…..for that reason, my alarm clock rings especially earlier for me than for many of my colleagues. As it is, I am an early riser. I really enjoy 15 minutes with a good book while still in bed or on the balcony. Often the book remains closed at my side…..I go from the joy of tranquility to a brief ejaculatory prayer and finish with a sort of second morning prayer.

I also try to secure this time when I am on night duty or when I am traveling with my children or my friends. I also like to add a special touch so that when the others get up, they find the pleasant surprise of breakfast already ready, a steaming cup of coffee or some other special detail.

My favorite experiences as a child

The experience that God loves me, that He gives me daily large and small signs of his love, belongs to the most beautiful and profound experiences in the Covenant of Love.

I try to give myself time to savor and review these experiences so they can remain permanently in my heart. At home, in my Home Shrine, there are many mementos of the reality of the love of God, perhaps a saying from "Heavenwards." It happens also at work, but there I have to be somewhat creative.


Once I have begun my workday, I know that the activity absorbs me quickly; therefore, I have put up many signs and signals which are not perceived by most people, but which help me to always return anew, at least for a moment, to the tranquil beginning of the day with God. There is a crucifix above the office door. I have my office keys on a key chain commemorating the last national encounter of the Catholic Church in Germany, "Katholikentag," where we participated with the Rosary of Lights. At my waist I carry a small handkerchief adorned with many roses. It is the small tablecloth which we place on the table at each meal where we sit when we have a group meeting. It reminds me "to be a rose on Father’s barbed wire." Each of these signs is connected to a moment of recollection; often very brief, but it is something which "decelerates" me and always connects me anew to the fountain of strength.

Throughout the day’s work and difficulties

As I leave work, I allow myself something good. The way home is totally my own. I enjoy my way home. Twice a week I take the route which has many hills and on the other days I change it a bit and go through the valley or the ravine even though I have to travel a bit on the freeway – I really enjoy this time and I tell God about all of the moments in which I experienced his care and closeness…..by then I have arrived home and I "land" in the reality of it all and I am ready to tackle the tasks which still need to be done at home.

Spiritual daily order on vacation

While on vacation or on days off, my spiritual schedule also takes a "vacation." On those days I have to pay attention to very different things.

I am sure that when I retire I will have to plan ahead of time my "spiritual schedule for retirement," otherwise, I will be invaded by absolute chaos.

At times I am overcome with work and stress and my spiritual schedule goes to "bathe." Sometimes this is very helpful to me and my spiritual schedule also since that gives me time to revise it a little. I can pay more attention to how things are going and begin always anew with more clarity and decisiveness.

Translation: Carlos Cantú Family Federation La Feria, Texas USA 121207




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